TCIA Chainsaw Specialist Course & TCIA Chipper Operator Specialist Course

Friday, Oct 2, 2020 at 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM EST

1828 Perry Dr SW, Canton, Ohio, 44706, United States

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TCIA Chainsaw Specialist Partial Approval - $75.00

sales ended

TCIA Chipper Operator Specialist Partial Approval - $65.00

Sale ended

TCIA Chainsaw Specialist & Chipper Operator Specialist Partial Approval - $130.00

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Friday, Oct 2, 2020 at 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM EST

Endor's Arborist & Rope Supply, 1828 Perry Dr SW, Canton, Ohio, 44706, United States.

Chainsaw Specialist Class: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

  • Hazard awareness
  • Procedures for chain saw operation and maintenance. 
  • Correct PPE for chain saw operators.
  • Use of chaps and leg protection.
  • Use of a chain saw aloft. 
  • Communicating with crew members for fellers, climbers, and bucket operators.
  • Bucking, felling, and pruning cut techniques.


Each candidate will be issued a Chainsaw Specialist Manual. Once the candidate has completed course, an exam will be given. Upon passing the exam, a certificate of completion will be issued as well as a laminated wallet card, arm patch and helmet decal



Chipper Operator Specialist: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm 

  • Hazard awareness
  • Procedures for hooking up, transporting, setting up, operating and maintaining a chipper


Each candidate will be issued a Chipper Operator Specialist Manual. Once the candidate has completed course, an exam will be given. Upon passing the exam, a certificate of completion will be issued as well as a laminated wallet card, arm patch and helmet decal


For questions or concerns please contact Endor's Arborist & Rope Supply LLC:  (234) 410-3240


*If event says "sold out" contact Endor's to verify. There may still be tickets available. 

Endor's Arborist & Rope Supply LLC

Endor's Arborist & Rope Supply is a locally owned retail and training outlet for those in the tree, landscape, utility and tower industries.

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