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Northwest Rankin High School, 5805 Highway 25, Flowood, MS, 39232, United States
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Creating a Culture of Questions, Collaboration, and Productive Mathematics Discussion
Northwest Rankin High School, 5805 Highway 25, Flowood, MS, 39232, United States.
This session is for teachers in grades 6-12 and will be held at NWRHS in Room 413 (repeated on July 25 at County Office).
CEUs Available:0.5 for $10
How might we nurture a community of learners with a growth mindset towards learning mathematics, where making thinking visible is safe, even when students make a mistake? In this session, we will consider norm setting and questioning, along with strategies and tasks to jump start discussions that encourage students to take risks and contribute to effective discussions.
Jennifer Wilson and LaVonda White
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