Tennessee Jump$tart Personal Financial Education
12th Annual Conference
June 8-10, 2016 – Park Vista Hotel – Gatlinburg, TN
The Premier Personal Finance Conference in Tennessee!
Why Should I Attend?
If you teach personal finance or want to learn more about personal finance concepts and resources, this conference is for you! And, you will be able to:
· Be part of a community of personal finance education professionals
· Obtain high quality professional development
· Network with others involved in personal financial education
· Have fun while learning
· Gain the employment requirement to teach TN high school personal finance course (secondary level endorsement)
· Attain the W!SE National Financial Literacy Certification Testing (must meet eligibility requirements) –the only TN testing location! See details below
· Obtain new, high quality educational resources and lessons
· Attend great sessions by educators and industry professionals
· Interact with personal finance vendor exhibits
· Participate in fun activities: QR Code Quest, Exhibitor Scavenger Hunt
· Win door prizes and eat fabulous food!
· Meet award winning educators (This could be you! To apply, visit www.tnjumpstart.org and see Teacher of the Year under Activities)
· See beautiful scenery (and you might see a bear!)
Who Can Attend the Conference?
Conference is open to all financial educators and practitioners. Whether you are a teacher at a public school, private school, home school, or student teacher, or are an outreach specialist at a community organization, non-profit, or business - this conference is for you!
Conference Agenda
A conference agenda is availabe at www.tnjumpstart.org.
On-site conference check-in will be 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ET (please note: Gatlinburg is on EASTERN TIME) on Wednesday, June 8. During this time exhibits will be open and the exhibitor scavenger hunt (for additional door prizes) can be completed. A networking lunch will be available from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. prior to the opening session (this is a come & go lunch that will be available during this hour timeframe).
The conference sessions will run:
- Wednesday, June 8, from 12:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. ET (exhibits open at 9:30 a.m.)
- Thursday, June 9, from 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
- Friday, June 10, from 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. ET.
During the conference, the following meals will be provided for conference participants:
- Wednesday, June 8: lunch, afternoon snack
- Thursday, June 9: continental breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack
- Friday, June 10: continental breakfast
What is the Cost and How Do I Register?
Registration fees are:
· Early Registration (through April 30) - $100
· Registration (through June 2) - $125
· On-site Registration (June 8) - $150
You can choose to pay either with credit/debit card online or submit a check after you complete the online registration form. Checks should be mailed to: Tennessee Jump$tart, P.O. Box 190058, Nashville, TN 37219.
Hotel Reservation Details
Hotel and travel expenses are the responsibility of the conference participant.
The conference hotel is the Park Vista Hotel in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Staying at the conference hotel is not required. Participants are responsible for making their own reservations and paying for their own hotel rooms and incidentals. The Park Vista Hotel has generously agreed to provide a rate of $83 per night for Tuesday – Thursday nights and a rate of $109 per night for Friday – Saturday nights. Rates are on a limited basis based on availability and subject to change based on changes to the government per diem rates.
Reservations to the room block must be made by Friday, May 6. After this time the room block will be released.
To make a hotel reservation at the Park Vista Hotel:
Log into www.parkvista.com
From the home page (mid-page)- you will see the “Make a Reservation” field. Choose arrival and departure dates, number of rooms requested and click Check Rates.
Under the Special Accounts & Rates headeron the right hand side- you will enter booking code TJC in the group code field and click Continue.
The group rates will be displayed along with the available room types- proceed with reservations as prompted
Guests can also call 24/7- 1-800-421-7275
and provide the same group code TJC to the responding reservations agent.
Hotel Early Departure Fee
In the event that you check out prior to your reserved check out date, an early departure fee of $25 will be charged to your individual account. If you wish to avoid this fee, you must advise the hotel at or before check in.
What is the W!SE National Financial Certification Test and How Do I Register?
A collaborative effort between the Tennessee Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy and Working in Support of Education (W!SE) will allow teachers the unique opportunity to earn a National Certification in Personal Finance! Additional information about the W!SE Certification can be found at: http://www.wise-ny.org/.
This is a n opportunity to gain additional credentialing to demonstrate your competence as a personal finance educator. The test will be administered on Wednesday, June 8, 2016, at 9:30 a.m. ET.
You must be registered to attend this year's conference (conference registration details available at: www.tnjumpstart.org) to take the certification test and must meet one of the additional eligibility criteria:
Option 1: You have attended a previous Tennessee Jump$tart conference or training
For the first 25 educators who have previously attended a TN Jump$tart conference or training and who register and pay, the test will be $25 (Tennessee Jump$tart is paying for half of the test expense – the normal cost of the test is $50!). The registration and payment deadline is Friday, May 29, but spaces are filled on a first come basis. This will allow for you to receive the study materials well in advance of the testing session.
Option 2: You have attended a 2-day (14-hour) employment requirement training conducted by a Tennessee Jump$tart partner organization (such as the Federal Reserve, MTSU Center for Economic Education, or UT Extension).
In this case, you are eligible to take the test, and the cost is $50.
Option 3: You are a financial education practitioner with a community organization or business.
In this case, you are eligible to take the test, and the cost is $50.
To register for the certification test, please contact Jackie Morgan (Jackie.Morgan@atl.frb.org).
What if I Have Questions?
Please contact Jackie Morgan (Jackie.Morgan@atl.frb.org), Tennessee Jump$tart Education Chair.