The Evolution of Science Fiction Webinar Series Module Three: Ancient History through the Middle Ages

Saturday, Oct 24, 2020 at 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM EST

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Saturday, Oct 24, 2020 at 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM EST

Tom Lombardo, Director, Center for Future Consciousness

Building upon the previous webinar, which examined the connections of ancient myth, fantasy, and science fiction, in this new webinar we will begin by discussing in depth the origins of science fiction in ancient Greek mythology, philosophy, and science. Of special importance are the archetypal stories of Odysseus and Prometheus and the “first” utopia, The Republic of Plato. We will look at the origins in ancient times of stories of space travel and space wars, aliens, and robots. Next, we will examine early theories and narratives of the future, progress, evolution, and the coming transformation of humanity, and the influential archetypal vision of Armageddon, all of which would impact the future development of science fiction. Covering the Middle Ages, we will highlight Dante’s extraordinary cosmic journey, the Divine Comedy; science, philosophy, technological invention and extrapolation, and science fiction in European and Islamic thought; and the blossoming of fantastical art in Hieronymus Bosch. We will close this webinar by falling off the edge of the earth.  

Duration 90 minutes, using Zoom Meeting

About Tom Lombardo, Center for Future Consciousness

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While there is no concellation fee, we would appreciate you letting us know if you can't make the webinar.

Director of the Center, Tom Lombardo, Ph.D., and Co-Director, Jeanne Belisle Lombardo, M.A., are experienced educators, presenters and workshop facilitators. They are regular speakers at the World Future Society conventions and other conferences, as well as at various colleges and educational institutions, nationally and globally. Dr. Lombardo is the writer of numerous books and articles in psychology, philosophy, education, and the future. Tom Lombardo is an awarded Fellow of the World Futures Studies Federation, a special honor given to members who have made a globally recognized, significant and original contribution to futures studies. He is also an Executive Board member of the World Futures Studies Federation. The Center for Future Consciousness also has a network of fellow faculty, educators and futurists who serve on the advisory board. Tery Spataro is working with the Center for Future Consciousness to produce this event.

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