Hi Mama! So glad you are here! We are excited to host yet another fun mom event with you. For this event, we will be having a "Toy Swap"! What better way than to gift other children new/gently used toys. For this event, the way it will work is you will need to bring at least three (3) new/gently used toys you'd like to give away for another child to cherish and give life to again. You can also grab a few free toys from any other mama who has brought toys as well. This aims to help new/gently used toys to continue to be used and play with. It'll help reduce 1. waste from entering our landfills and 2. reduce spending on new toys. Feel free to bring anything you need for a successful "Toy Swap" playdate (i.e., picnic blanket, snacks, water, sunscreen, toys, toys to swap, etc).
OPTIONAL: Mamas who would like to participate in a Mug Swap can bring a new Mug they'd like to swap with another mom. (:
FRIENDLY REMINDER: We no longer share our park/meet-up location out of safety precautions. The address of this event is NOT real. After successfully registering for this walk/event, you will be responsible for DMing us a screenshot of your confirmation registration to receive the park/meet-up info.
DISCLAIMER: By registering for this walk, you consent to be photographed and/or videotaped for social media content purposes.