Join us for our mom walk in Galesburg at the park behind the fire station & enjoy some quality gal time with other mamas from all walks of life! We are a judgment free zone (yes, just like Planet Fitness but with less fitness). You are always welcome to join us!
We will begin walking at 2:10pm to give people time to set up strollers & get situated or if you happen to be running late (you are a mom, we understand)!
Ideas of Things to Bring:
- your kiddo
- walking shoes
- water / coffee / tea
- snack for you & your kiddo
- a hat &/or sunscreen
- blanket (if it is cold)
- diapers / wipes (if applicable)
- another mom friend (send them this RSVP link)
We cannot wait to see you!
Your walking pal,
Lauren Luna (@themomwalkco.climax)