The Reunion - Honouring the Unity of the Divine Feminine & Masculine

Saturday, Jul 30, 2022 at 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT

12th Concession, King Township, Schomberg, ON, L0G1T0, Canada

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Early Bird Partial Approval - $111.00

Sale ends Sunday, July 17th at 11:45 pm. Tickets at the gateway are $150. The address to Swan's Nest is printed on your ticket.

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In Advance Ticket Partial Approval - $133.00

Available until noon on July 30th. Tickets at the gateway are $150. The address to Swan's Nest is printed on your ticket.

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Couples Discount Partial Approval - $222.00

Price is for 2 tickets. Get the early bird price when you come with your partner / friend. Sale ends at noon on July 30th. Tickets at the gateway are $150. The address to Swan's Nest is printed on your ticket.

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Saturday, Jul 30, 2022 at 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT

Swan's Nest Holistic Wellness & Nature Centre, 12th Concession, King Township, Schomberg, ON, L0G1T0, Canada.

It is time for men and women to come together to honour each other and to honour the great cosmic forces of the divine feminine and masculine that whirl within each of us.

For so long, there has been a deep rift between these forces and between men and women. It is an ancient story of mutual suffering, patriarchal distortion, disharmony and intense longing for union and healing.

We are living in an age of profound prophecy. This time has been foretold as one of great togethering and resolving of some of our most ancient wounds. As the light of consciousness grows in awareness and the power of love rises, the universe beckons us to forge together and cultivate a truly co-creative world of partnership, mutual reverence and the joy of sacred solidarity.

Join us for a special day-long gathering where we shall tousle in practices, ritual, song, dance and much more to co-create a healing union so that we can walk in the world as the medicine of harmony. 

The day will be facilitated by Sarah Shirley, Dinora Garcia, Rufus Glassco & Darren Austin Hall. We will commence in a beautiful Opening Ceremony to honour this great and inspiring work, cultivating coherence between men and women.

We shall then separate into complimentary circles to embolden our own proclivities of sacred embodiment as males and females, celebrating together our differences, while also honouring the wondrous commonality of our divine humanness.

We shall then unite once again for a powerful ritual and series of practices to embody THE REUNION of the divine feminine and masculine, holding space for needed healing, joining in harmonizing revelry and sharing circles to get curious about each other’s wounds and needs. 

A delicious vegan dinner shall then be served to nourish us in preparation for our Closing Sacred Fire Ceremony where we shall celebrate the work and play of our great day in song and a final Sound Journey for Union.

THE REUNION is a gathering for men and women to work together to heal the ancient struggle between the genders. This is not primarily about emphasizing romantic bonding, though that context is obviously relevant. 

Furthermore, we honour that in our present age we are heralding the embracing of those human beings who embody a unique braiding of masculine and feminine polarities. In more tolerant and virtuous ancient culture, two-spirited, transgender, gender fluid beings were rightfully honoured as living a unique expression of the unity between gender polarization. Thus, we welcome such beings at our gathering who can freely choose to join either the MALE or FEMALE circles when we separate during phases of our work and play together. Ultimately, this work is about inspiring the inner-marriage of the divine masculine and feminine forces that are within each and every one of us.


EXCHANGE: $111 early bird. $133 in advance $150 at the gateway. Includes dinner. $222 for 2


A limited number of 50% OFF Volunteer Tickets are available. 


E-transfers can be sent, without a fee, to, subject to availability (please ensure the tickets are not sold out first). NOTE: PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN THE MESSAGE SO WE CAN CONTACT YOU OR REFUND YOUR TICKET IF NECESSARY


Sara Shirley is an intuitive healer, a spiritual teacher and a channel for Mary Magdalene. She’s passionate about helping women soften into who they are and rise into their gifts and their fullest expression. She uses shadow work, embodiment practices, alchemy healing and channeling as tools for her clients’ healing.

 Sara currently supports her clients’ transformation through 1:1 intuitive healing session containers and her divine feminine empowerment program (that she channeled through Mary Magdalene), which is launching August 5th!

To have a heart-to-heart chat with her about working together,  visit



Darren Austin Hall is a visionary leader, sound healer/mystic-musician/song-channel, writer and spiritual teacher-philosopher. He is the creator of the Source Resonance Academy devoted to leading sound healing trainings and workshops, including the Vibrational Peace Sonic Activism initiative. He shares his signature Druid Medicine Ritual Concerts & Sound Journeys around the world and is a renowned recording artist. His new double-album, HONOUR ALL CREATION, is a concept album of sound healing journey music, mystical folk and ambient dance music devoted to the dawning of the New Earth. It also consists of a coinciding online course that charts a deep vision quest into the sacred wisdom of nature and the Earth, Honour All Creation: The Journey.

Dinora Garcia Guillen and Rufus Glassco are the founders and directors of Swan's Nest Holistic Wellness and Nature Centre. They met 27 years ago in Oaxaca, Mexico, and were married in 1999. They have raised 2 sons in Toronto, and return to Mexico frequently for shamanic training, to see family, and to purchase inventory for La Botica, their Oaxacan import business. They are dedicated to the healing arts and use a variety of modalities, including movement and dance, yoga, breathing, meditation, toning and mantra chanting, earthing, forest bathing, hand and frame drumming, sound healing, community singing, shamanic coaching and Labyrinth and Temazcal sweat lodge ceremonies to help people to come together, to release, to heal, and to reconnect to nature and their humanity. Rufus and Dinora are particularly passionate about working with, supporting and guiding groups of men and women, and really appreciate opportunities to bring both groups together.

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