Think!Sponsorship Conference May 2021: Connections

Monday, May 17, 2021 at 10:00 AM to Friday, May 21, 2021 at 5:00 PM WEST

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Organisation Pass Partial Approval - £350.00

This ticket offers unrestricted team access to the conference.

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Standard Rate Ticket Partial Approval - £165.00

Select this ticket if you are representing an organisation that does not have charity status and you are not furloughed.

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Charity Rate Ticket Partial Approval - £125.00

Select this ticket if you are working for a charitable organisation and you are not furloughed

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Freelancer/Furloughed Partial Approval - £75.00

Select this ticket if you are working freelance or if you are furloughed and self-paying for this ticket.

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Connections - "Day Pass" Partial Approval - £49.00

Select this ticket type to access a specific day of the conference

sales ended

Connections - "Day Pass" (Charity) Partial Approval - £39.00

Select this ticket if you want to access a specific day of content at Connections and you are representing a charity

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Monday, May 17, 2021 at 10:00 AM to Friday, May 21, 2021 at 5:00 PM WEST

The Think!Sponsorship Conference is the trade meeting ground for sponsorship in the UK. The event has a clear mission statement - to facilitate interaction between sponsors, sponsorship-seekers, and sponsorship agencies, via a dynamic and interactive agenda. 

We offer an inclusive and accessible environment in which business gets done. Over 7000 delegates have attended previous events from large multi-national businesses to niche or seasonal events seeking sponsors. "Connections" offers flexible content across what we are dubbing 'Think!Sponsorship Week' from the 17th - 21st May 2021 and will be delivered as a virtual event. 

Cancellation policy

Please note, we do not offer a refund on tickets cancelled within 7 days of the conference date. All tickets must be paid for in full prior to the conference.


Think!Sponsorship provides sponsorship intelligence services to the sponsorship and fundraising sector. We are best known for our flagship conference (Think!Sponsorship) and provide other services to the sector including training, networking events, consultancy services and intelligence via our Find!Sponsorship tool.

Contact the Organizer