Thursday Evening Toronto Axis Syllabus Class Series Oct 7 to Dec 16 2021

Thursday, Oct 14, 2021 at 7:00 PM to Thursday, Dec 16, 2021 at 9:00 PM EST

240 Roncesvalles Avenue, Large Dance Studio, Toronto, Ontario, M6R 2L8, Canada

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Sale ended

Class Series Partial Approval - $126.00

sales ended

Scholarship rate for those in need Partial Approval - $70.00

Only three are available to maintain the financial viabilty of event

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Thursday, Oct 14, 2021 at 7:00 PM to Thursday, Dec 16, 2021 at 9:00 PM EST

Roncesvalles United Church, 240 Roncesvalles Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M6R 2L8, Canada.


DESCRIPTION: Nine-Class series with the teacher Kathleen Rea.  Study functional movement, led by Axis Syllabus teacher candidate Kathleen Rea. The Axis Syllabus is a compendium of information relevant to the training, preparation, and performance of the human body. The Axis Syllabus provides comparative data on flexibility, strength, alignment, injuries, and movement practices. Anatomical attributes and ways of moving that are basically safe and energy conservative will be explored. Kathleen will refer to physics, anatomy, and relevant scientific data from various fields.

Those with disabilities are welcome and accommodations are offered.  Let’s talk about what you may need to attend.

If you sign up please know you have missed three classes but you are still welcome to join as I will catch you up :-)
Thursday, Oct 7, 2021
Thursday, Oct 14, 2021
Thursday, Oct 28, 2021
Thursday, Nov 4, 2021
Thursday, Nov 11, 2021


Thursday, Nov 25, 2021
Thursday Dev, 2, 2021
Thursday, Dec 9, 2021
Thursday, Dec 16, 2021

Attendees must sign up for the class series. No drip-ins

- 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm Class
Arrive and go through COVID protocol and then Kathleen will teach a class.

-8:30 to 9:00 Movement lab.
Keep moving and doing your self-research in this movement lab that is inspired by the Axis Syllabus. Both solo practice and partnering practices are welcome. You can repeat the movement motifs we worked on in class or work on something from your everyday life or a  dance sport form you like. If you have a contact improvisation partner you are attending with you can do contact improvisation inspired by the axis syllabus. This portion of the program falls under the sports sector as there is no teaching or instruction and therefore participants are allowed to touch if practicing their sport requires them to do so.


In-person 19 participants 

LOCATION: Roncesvalles  United Church,  214 Wright Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M6R 1L3

Wheelchair accessible studio and washrooms.
Please contact us at if you require accommodation or if you have any questions about access. 


In-Person ten classes for $126  per person.
Scholarship rate $70

Kathleen Rea danced with Canada’s Ballet Jorgen, National Ballet of Canada & Tiroler Landestheater (Austria). She fell in love with contact improvisation (CI) 21 years ago and has been involved in the CI community ever since. She has choreographed over 40 dance works and been nominated for 5 DORA awards. Kathleen has a learning disability that throughout her life has meant that writing takes 4 to 8 times longer than the average person. It is one of life’s great surprises and mysteries for her that despite the struggle she developed a love of writing and is a published author (“The Healing Dance” -Charles C. Thomas Publisher, as well as blog and academic writing). She has a Master’s in Expressive Arts with a minor in Psychology. She has a passion for functional movement and is a teacher candidate for the Axis Syllabus. She is also trained in the MELT method for hands and feet and is currently certifying as a Buteyko Breath Practitioner. She is the director of REAson d’etre dance productions a not-for-profit contact improvisation-based dance company that produces a weekly dance jam in Toronto, the Contact Dance International Film Festival, and dance-theatre productions. Being on the autism spectrum she also identifies as being neuro-atypical and works to educate the world about neurodiversity.

 WHAT YOU NEED TO BRING: A mask that covers the nose, mouth, and chin. you might want knee pads and a bottle of water. Please also bring your proof of up-to-date vacation status.

Do you agree to bring proof of vaccination status to each class? 

Do you agree to disinfect your hands at the start of class or after touching your face?

Are you experiencing any of the following COVID-19 symptoms: shortness of breath/breathing difficulties, fever, coughing, loss of smell or taste, sore throat, headache, muscle pain, chills? If so please seek medical attention and you must not attend the class. We will give you a refund if you have already paid.

Have you knowingly been in contact with anyone who has contracted COVID-19 in the last 14 days? If so please notify public health and you must not attend the class until 14 days symptom-free have passed or until you have had a negative COVID test. We will give you a refund if you have already paid.

Have you returned from traveling outside of Canada in the last 14 days? If please so you must not attend the class until 10 days symptom-free have passed or until you have had a negative COVID test result performed three days after arriving home.

Do you agree to the following notification policy: If someone at the class reports having COVID and having attended a class we will let all attendees know without giving out the person's name. Then everyone would get tested or do 14 days of quarantine and if there is deemed to be no spread things would continue as per usual. At the point of spread we would call up public health and they would let us know all the things we would need to do but most definitely if we are at the point of spread in class we would be shut down for a period of time.

Do you agree to wear a mask and keep a minimum of 6 feet between yourself and those not in your household or social bubbles/pods in the building and during class time as per Ontario Phase #3 Teaching and Instruction Sector regulations?

Do you agree that participants can make contact in the lab portion of the evening as per Ontario Phase  #3 Sport Sector regulations that allow for contact if actively practicing your sport requires you to do so?

Do you agree to give us contact info in case contact tracing is needed?

Do you understand that even though vaccination provides some protection from catching COVID and a much-reduced risk of ending up in the ICU that vaccinated people can still catch and spread COVID and may still require medical care if they catch it? 

Do you recognize that despite these screening, disinfecting, mask-wearing, protocols there is still some risk in meeting socially indoor to practice? Do you accept this risk as part of your participation?








REAson d'etre dance productions

REAson d'etre dance productions strives to provide artistic expression through movement, inclusive of age, ability, level background. We stage and program works based on Contact Improvisation so we can utilize the inclusiveness that can be a part of this dance form. Our vision is for both professional dancers and everyday people to be inspired and invigorated by Contact Improvisation. This mandate involves initiatives that work to dismantle racism and ablism and other "isms" as their existence hinders us in achieving our mandate. We are committed to examining the art form of contact improvisation and acknowledging its history of inequity, ablism, and racism. We strive to engage in a continuing process of educating ourselves and acting for change. We believe that increasing accessibility breaks down barriers to dance, creating a stunning humanity that is the heart of the artistic aesthetic we reach for. Our contact dance jams are the root from which all our programming grows. Our jams are a mix of performance, research, rehearsal, and incubator. A musician improvises, sweeping dancers into explorations of different themes. Teaming Contact Dance with exceptional live music deepens the form. People alternate between dancing and watching the performance. The jams build community. It's about relationships, with the quality of communication being the aesthetic measure. Classes in functional movement help Contact Dancers move with ease and prevent injury. We see healthy m

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