Transition Boot Camp: Session #3 Employment & Volunteerism

Wednesday, Jan 10, 2018 at 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM CST

DSG Office, 5960 Dearborn Street, Suite 100, Mission, Kansas, 66202, United States

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Teen with Down syndrome Partial Approval - Free

Teen with Down syndrome ages 12 to 19. For new and returning parents.

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Parent/Guardians Partial Approval - Free

Parents/Guardians of a teen with Down syndrome.

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Wednesday, Jan 10, 2018 at 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM CST

DSG Office, 5960 Dearborn Street, Mission, Kansas, 66202, United States.

Transition Boot Camp: FOR TEENS with Down syndrome ages 12 to 18 and THEIR PARENTS/GUARDIANS

DSG believes your child has unlimited potential and a very bright future! A successful and meaningful transition into adulthood is the result of careful planning. That planning should be driven by your child’s dreams, desires, and abilities.

Transition planning helps to prepare young people for their futures. It helps them to develop skills they need to go on to other education programs after high school. It highlights skills needed to live, work, and thrive in the community, as well as helps to build independence. Youth learn important adult decision-making when they participate and are a part of their future planning conversations. Parents will be more confident about the future knowing their teen is ready for the world after high school.

Transition Boot Camp is designed as a partnership in learning for both the parents, and their children. This workshop is a series of four sessions is designed to give parents the tools they need to help their child live life to the fullest. 

This seminar series is compiled of 4 sessions held throughout the school year. All of the sessions will be held at the DSG Office from 6:00 - 8:30 pm.

Session #
Employment & Volunteerism 
Wednesday, January 11, 2018

Session 3 Desription: Having the opportunity to get and keep a job is an important part of life for us all. Youth and young adults with disabilities may benefit from  services and   supports to overcome barriers of becoming employed. This session provides  resources including agency information, services, and  supports to facilitate employment after high school. 

¨ Work Options

¨ Volunteer Opportunities

¨ Vocational Providers

¨ Services & supports for employment


Down Syndrome Innovations

The Down Syndrome Guild of Greater Kansas City is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to provide support and resources for individuals with Down syndrome, their families and the professionals who serve them. DSG seeks to provide the entire community with information and education to broaden awareness and foster positive attitudes regarding people with Down syndrome.

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