Understanding the Struggle of Poverty 2017

Tuesday, Jan 10, 2017 at 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM CST

100 Grand Blvd., Longview, Texas, 75602, United States

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Tuesday, Jan 10, 2017 at 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM CST

Maude Cobb Activity Center, 100 Grand Blvd., Longview, Texas, 75602, United States.

The day will begin with information based on the book, "Bridges Out of Poverty" and will  provide a look at the “hidden rules” of class; generational vs. situational poverty; explore the idea that poverty is not only about finances; create mental models of living with chronic economic hardships.

Some common questions and phrases heard about people living in poverty:

“Why don’t they just get a job?”

“They should know better than to. . . “

“I pulled myself up by my boot straps, they can too.”

By the end of the day, participants will have answers to these questions and comments.

The afternoon session will be a Poverty Simulation which is a powerful, interactive tool that allows you to step into the shoes of a person living in poverty through role-playing.  Participants will spend time trying to problem-solve ways to acquire, or maintain, shelter, food, and other basic necessities.

 If you have a desire to  better understand the day-to-day struggles of living in a low-income family, this activity will provide you with that experience.



City of Longview Partners in Prevention


Partners in Prevention is a community coalition that addresses community barriers by inspiring hope, connecting partners, and building trusting relationships that transform lives.

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