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Friday, Sep 1, 2017 at 3:00 PM to Sunday, Sep 3, 2017 at 2:00 PM GST
Abbey Sutton Courtenay, The Green , Abingdon , United Kingdom, OX14 4AF, United Kingdom
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Fees are per person and include teacher fee, lodging and food, program and use of Abbey amenities.
Fees are per person and include teacher fee, tent camping and food, program and use of Abbey amenities.
Does not include accommodations. Includes teacher fee, program, lunch, dinner, tea/coffee throughout the day and use of a group rooms and use of Abbey amenities.
Abbey Sutton Courtenay, The Green , Abingdon , United Kingdom, OX14 4AF, United Kingdom.
A SAT Weekend is an opportunity to experience spaciousness and engage in a true, transformative, spiritual process. “Sat” refers to the absolute truth prior to existence and “Shree” is its movement into existence. Your deep stillness and silence during the SAT Weekend creates a vacuum, inviting this truth force to come into this dimension, to be experienced in your body as it opens up new possibilities in your life. You’ll want to stay alert to whatever arises: from serenity and transcendence to boredom and turbulent emotion. You may get a clear view of the survival strategies your ego has been using to keep you separate. But you don’t need to understand the Sat force; your body carries everything you need to know. You just need to be with it, in the body, here and now. The more you can focus and be present, the more the Sat can come into existence—as you.
The weekend program includes group meditations and talks, starting Friday evening and continuing through all day Sunday. Sat Shree concentrates on bringing in this truth force and helping people process and share their experiences with it.
Cancellation fee is $50 one week prior to the first day of the retreat. No refunds for cancellations on or after the first day of the retreat.
Registration is not transferable to another event or person.
New Dharma is a nonprofit organization founded in 2009 to support the teachings of Sat Shree. New Dharma’s purpose is to inspire mankind to embrace a new consciousness through actively living universal spiritual principles in everyday life.
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