Unknowns in Heaven and Earth: Mystery, God, and the Limits of Science. Presentations, Discussions and Q&A with Prof. Marcelo Gleiser and Alister McGrath

Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at 7:30 PM to 8:45 PM GST

Mathematical Institute, Oxford University, Andrew Wiles Building, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Rd, Oxford , Oxfordshire, OX2 6GG, United Kingdom

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Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at 7:30 PM to 8:45 PM GST

Mathematical Institute, Oxford University, Andrew Wiles Building, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Oxford , Oxfordshire, OX2 6GG, United Kingdom.

Presentations, Discussions, and Q&A with:


Prof. Marcelo Gleiser (Dartmouth College)
Prof. Alister McGrath (Oxford University)


Wed 16 May, 7:30pm – 8:45pm
Mathematical Institute, Oxford


What are the limits of human knowledge? How do we learn to cope with an always limited and sometimes uncertain grasp of our universe? How do these questions relate to the natural sciences and religion? What is the role of "epistemic dependence", and how does this relate to the field of science and religion?


MARCELO GLEISER is the Appleton Professor of Natural Philosophy and a professor of physics and astronomy at Dartmouth College. He obtained his Ph.D. from King's College London and received the 1994 Presidential Faculty Fellows Award from the White House. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society. His books have been published in 15 languages and include The Island of Knowledge: The Limits of Science and The Search for MeaningA Tear at the Edge of Creation, and The Simple Beauty of the Unexpected. He has published hundreds of peer-reviewed articles, essays, and op-eds, and frequently participates in TV documentaries and radio shows in the US and abroad. He is the co-founder of the NPR blog on science and culture,13.7He also directs the Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Engagement at Dartmouth College.


ALISTER MCGRATH is the Andreas Idreos Professorship in Science and Religion in the Faculty of Theology and Religion at the University of Oxford, and is Professor of Divinity at Gresham College. His main research interest at present is the area of thought traditionally known as “natural theology”, a theme of his Gifford Lectures at the University of Aberdeen (2009), and his Hulsean Lectures at the University of Cambridge. A former atheist, he is also known for his opposition to New Atheism and his advocacy of theological critical realism. Among his best-known books are The Twilight of AtheismThe Dawkins DelusionDawkins' God: Genes, Memes, and the Meaning of Life, and A Scientific Theology.



This event is organised by the Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion in collaboration with the Humane Philosophy Project and the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Warsaw,  with additional sponsorship from the Issachar Fund. The seminar is free and open to the public.

The Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion, Oxford University

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