Monday, Jun 12, 2017 at 1:00 PM to Thursday, Jun 15, 2017 at 4:00 PM EST

7495 Cascade Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49546, United States

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Register to be a volunteer for the 2016 VBS at FHPC

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Monday, Jun 12, 2017 at 1:00 PM to Thursday, Jun 15, 2017 at 4:00 PM EST

Forest Hills Presbyterian Church, 7495 Cascade Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49546, United States.

Hello and welcome to


at Forest Hills Presbyterian Church


We're going to be have fun at FHPC on

June 12-15 from 1:00pm- 4:00pm


If you are a student/adult that is entering 6th grade or older, then we would LOVE for you to come hang with us as a volunteer! We have many different volunteer opportunities available, so let us know which you would prefer! 


*Help with Paint Nights (6:30- 9:00ish- May 31, June 1, 5, & 6)
*Help assemble the set (June 6th or 7th )
*Help with decorating (June 11 after the service)
*Help with registration (June 12 from 12:30- 2:00)
*Station Leaders (snack, story, games, crafts/experiments, movie)
*Station Helpers
*Crew Leaders (entering 7th grade and older, please)
*Crew Leaders in Training (entering 6th graders)
*Help with Hot Dog Dinner (June 15th afternoon/early evening)


When you sign up before June 1st, we will guarantee you a crew leader hero central shirt (they will be a different color than the kids'!)


Lastly, we need ALL VOLUNTEERS to arrive to the church early on Monday the 12th (around 11:30AM) for training and lunch... then each day, we ask that they arrive 15 minutes early and plan to stay until each of their kids are picked up by a guardian!


Forest Hills Presbyterian Church
7495 Cascade Rd. SE, Grand Rapids MI 49546
Contact: Ashley Atkins  ashley@fhpcusa.org 616.942.2751

Forest Hills Presbyterian Church


Vacation Bible School at Forest Hills Presbyterian Church. June 12-15, 2017 from 1:00- 4:00pm

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