Joseph Relat
Wellness Coach
About Joseph Relat
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Wellness Coach
Shirley Cheah
Health Fitness Network Pte Ltd
About Shirley Cheah
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Health Fitness Network Pte Ltd
Zeeba Khan
Wellness Coach
About Zeeba Khan
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Wellness Coach
Beatrice Caisson
Tahiti Dance Fitness
Tahiti Dance Fitness (TDF) was founded in 2009 by Lila Evrard & Beatrice Heitiare Caisson, two sisters originally from Tahiti who are both passionate about sharing their experience & knowledge in Dance, Fitness & Health.
TDF is the very first Tahitian Dance School to pioneer and offer both the traditional "Ori Tahiti" dance and a new cardio dance program "Tahiti Fitness" in All South East Asia since 2009.
TDF offers both Tahiti Dance, Traditional Dance and Tahiti Fitness a complete dance training program based on beautiful Tahitian dance "Ori Tahiti" moves combining all the fitness components of cardio workout, muscular preparation, balance and flexibility, with grace, femininity, energy and absolute wellbeing after each session.
TDF is for women of all ages and backgrounds, excited to look, feel, and live better.
About Beatrice Caisson
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Tahiti Dance Fitness
Derick Pang
Meditation Teacher
My story started back in 2012, i experienced a calling for “Inner Awakening”, since then i started my journey in search of soul fulfillment, braving a path towards happiness and love. After attending numerous personal development program and healing sessions, I am blessed to be experiencing a life of Love, Happiness and Inner Peace.
I want to use my own stories and insights to inspire and awaken people to live a life they were meant to live. I firmly believes deep within each and every one of us lies the highest truth of Love awaiting to be remembered and my current purpose is to educate people back to that remembrance. I strives to Awaken, Enlighten and Inspire you to live from the space of Love and become the Happiest Person you can ever be.
About Derick Pang
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Meditation Teacher
Jenny Kee & Jenny Loo
Nirvana Fitness
About Jenny Kee & Jenny Loo
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Nirvana Fitness
Kim Christian
Zumba Fitness
Hello! I'm Kim Christian, and I live in Singapore, SG. I've been a ZIN™ Member since Oct 2012 and I absolutely love teaching Zumba classes. The reason is simple: Every class feels like a party! I am currently licensed to teach Zumba, Zumba Gold®, Zumba® Kids & Kids Jr., Zumba® Step. Come join me, I guarantee you will have a blast!
About Kim Christian
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Zumba Fitness
Kali Majapahit | Team
Martial Arts
Our Mission is to positively impact the world and the life of others through our teaching and philosophy. We strive to be our very best in teaching martial arts, developing leadership skills in others, teaching personal development skills, healthy lifestyle concepts, ethics and moral. We lead by example. Together, let’s make this world a better place.
In 1998, following a lifetime dedicated to the Martial Arts, Fred Evrard founded Kali Majapahit (KM), a holistic Southeast Asian Martial Arts system. The first two KM schools were opened in Tahiti and Moorea. In 2006, after a 4-year trip around the world for further studying martial arts and traditional medicines, Fred and his wife Lila, opened their 3rd KM school in Singapore. Today, KM is represented in Singapore (Headquarters), Malaysia, Japan, India, Tahiti, France, Germany, Finland, Belgium, New Zealand, Philippines, The Netherlands and the US.
The philosophy behind Kali Majapahit is that Martial Arts training is not only about physical skills, focus and self-confidence, but also about reaching challenging goals, and building up our health and energy level. Every class will emphasize 3 aspects of the Art: Self-defense/Martial Arts, Health (including nutrition, posture correction, breathing, etc.), and Personal Growth. A comprehensive rotating curriculum makes our very efficient and unique Martial Art system accessible to anyone.
About Kali Majapahit | Team
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Martial Arts
Marisa Anggoro
Yoga Instructor
About Marisa Anggoro
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Yoga Instructor
The Jungle | Team
Martial Arts
About The Jungle | Team
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Martial Arts
Betty Kang
Fan Veil Performance
About Betty Kang
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Fan Veil Performance