What Would Your Mama Say - Online September 16, 2020

Wednesday, Sep 16, 2020 at 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM EST

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What Would Your Mama Say - online September 16, 2020 Partial Approval - $50.00

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Wednesday, Sep 16, 2020 at 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM EST

What Would Your Mama Say is designed to be a detailed analysis of the 88 Standards of Practice which support the 17 Articles of the Realtor Code of Ethics.

Fulfills the 4 hour NCREC CE elective requirement.  The course will also fulfill the triennial Ethics requirement for Wake county.  If you are outside Wake county, please let us know before you register and we will confirm with your county.

Prior to the class you will receive an email from Barnette Seminars with the Zoom link and materials.  We will need to see you (video) and hear you in order to receive credit.

Four hour CE with Chris Barnette - fulfills the 4 hour NCRE CE elective requirement. The course will also fulfill the triennial Ethics requirement for Wake county. If you are outside Wake county, please let us know before you register and we will confirm with your county. Prior to the class, you will receive an email from Barnette Seminars with a Zoom link. We will need to see you (video) and hear you in order to receive credit.

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