Achtung neuer Termin!
XTASY aus Spanien:
“Xtasy” was born in 2011 as a Studio Project between Silvia (vocals, keyboards) and Jorge (guitar, bass, keyboards). Both together started to work in several songs which were recorded between Dec. 2011 and Dec. 2013. After finishing the first album, they decide to create a real band.
The first CD called "Revolution" was mixed and mastered by no one other than Erik Martensson (Eclipse, W.E.T., Nordic Union...) at "Blowout Studios" and was released in October 2014 through Melodic Rock Records worldwide having nice Reviews from the whole world.
During 2014 and 2015, Xtasy played 25 Gigs over Spain in his "Revolution Tour" supporting bands like Helix, Dare, Tigertailz or Spanish icons Barón Rojo and Obús. Xtasy also played at the Hard Rock Attack Tour !! as Special Guest from Eclipse in which the Swedish Band Toxic Rose opened the shows.
In 2016, Xtasy returns to the studio and recorded his second album called "Second chance", in which, once again Erik Martensson mixed and mastered the songs.
The release date for "Second chance" was the 31st of March 2017 through The Fish Factory in Spain, Anderstein Music in Japan and the German label The Junction worldwide. The band started his "Second Chance Tour" playing with Eclipse, Hardline or Ammunition among others all over Europe. Xtasy also played major Festivals in Spain like "Leyendas del Rock" with Nightwish, Mr. Big, Saxon, Warlock or Kamelot. The “Second Chance Tour” was finished in February 2019 after 37 Gigs.
In 2019 the band wrote his third album, working together with Erik Martensson as co-wirter and once again mixed and mastered the songs. The new album called “Eye of the storm” was released on March 06th 2020 worldwide through Metalapolis Records and Bickee Music in Japan.
Human Zoo:
Die in diesem Musikbereich mit Sicherheit außergewöhnliche Musikbesetzung, Gitarre, Bass, Drums, Vocals,
Keyboards & Saxophone, verleiht der Formation eine gewisse Extravaganz. Seit mittlerweile 15 Jahren
nimmt die sechsköpfige Combo das Publikum direkt ins Visier und ist in Ihrem Genre nicht mehr
Das umjubelte Erstlingswerk `Precious Time` (2006), produziert von Dennis Ward (Pink Cream 69), erstaunte
die Fachpresse wie auch das Publikum vielerorts. HUMAN ZOO wurde beim Publikumsvoting der
Rockzeitschrift Rock It! zum `Newcomer des Jahres 2006` gewählt und legte in den folgenden Jahren 3
weitere Alben nach. Gemäß dem Titel des Albums `My Own God` (2016) beweisen Human Zoo nachdrücklich,
dass sie sich immer treu geblieben sind. Unter anderem konnte Human Zoo mit der aktuellen CD `My Own
God` den INNOCENT AWARD 2016 des Magazins „Cute and Dangerous“ gewinnen.
Rock ganz einzigartig, modern und eingängig interpretiert und immer nah am Puls der Zeit, so kann die
Musik der Schwabenrocker charakterisiert werden. Abwechslungsreiche und klassische Rockelemente
werden mit modernen Einflüssen kombiniert, was den typischen Human Zoo Style entstehen lässt. Ihre
energiegeladenen Bühnenshows machen jeden Auftritt zu einem unvergesslichen Event.