The authors of the shortlisted works selected for their scientific quality, originality, and innovation in the fields of research or clinical care, and approach to Aniridia and WAGRO Syndrome will have the privilege of presenting their work in person at the space that will take place between 5:35 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., at the end of the plenary session of said conference. The presentation will not exceed 6 minutes.
At the end, they will receive a diploma and special commemorative gift from the presidency of Aniridia Europe in recognition of their dedication and involvement in the study of Aniridia and associated pathologies.
The rest of the papers presented, evaluated, and selected, will be exhibited, once edited (if it is an oral presentation) in the session indicated; or simply accessible and hosted on the website of the VI European conference Aniridia so they can be viewed afterwards, to better understand the innovations and studies carried out on Aniridia and WAGRO Syndrome.
These presentations will have a maximum duration of six minutes.
Characteristics of the works to present:
There is room for all topics related to research and clinical care of people living with Aniridia and WAGRO Syndrome. From ophthalmological genetics, molecular diagnosis, cell and / or animal modeling genotype-phenotype relationships, biology, neuropediatrics, nephrology, endocrinology, ophthalmology, optometry specialized in low vision, early stimulation and care psychology, etc., the subject is free and should promote the exchange of knowledge between the different specialists who are interested in the better quality of life of people with Aniridia.
The consequences and damages caused by this rare pathology are transversal, and only by working together from different perspectives can we achieve significant advances for all those affected.
The works can be submmited in the following formats:
- Posters
- Oral communication
- Research studies
Those interested in participating in the research study and poster modality must present an abstract of the communication in PDF format of no more than 300 words. Papers must demonstrate the sources from which they have drawn based on their corresponding conclusions in the abstract.
The Work will be presented in English.
Those communications that present results obtained in research projects and, above all, those related to gene therapies will be especially valued.
Presentation of Communications on Research Studies:
Papers that deal with a topic of basic, applied, or clinical research that develop the various aspects of Aniridia and associated ophthalmological and/or systemic alterations will be accepted.
Other conditions:
The Works and Posters presented will be evaluated by the Scientific Evaluation Committee. Its decision is final.
Assessment criteria:
- Originality
- Innovation
- Consistency with the suggested theme
- Expository clarity
Public recognition:
The winners will receive a certificate and a commemorative gift for the work carried out, for their involvement, interest, and commitment to Aniridia and the group that lives with it.
Mailing timeline:
The works will be sent before May 10, 2022, any professional or interested student can request additional information to
Registration fees in the VI EAC
Students or professionals who request the registration and submission of a work will not have to pay any amount. The organization will pay the registration fee for all those valued and subsequently selected by the scientific committee.