2024 Governor's Emergency Planning and Preparedness Initiative (EPPI)

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June 12 exercise, which is being conducted by the Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security and the Secretary of the State in conjunction with federal, state, and local partners. This exercise is intended to help you prepare for the upcoming election season, as well as for the next inevitable emergency. The scenarios will test the capabilities of the municipal Unified Command, working in collaboration with local elections officials, to respond to emergencies or disruptions affecting the elections process.

• Municipalities can select from two different sessions, both to be held on Wednesday, June 12, 2024:

o 9:00 am-12 noon, or

o 6:00 pm-9:00 pm.

• Identify and notify in advance your municipal Unified Command per your Local Emergency Operations Plan (LEOP) and consider the following representation, including but not limited to: CEO and/or Town Manager, Service Chiefs, Local Emergency Management Director, Public Works, Information Technology staff or support, Public Information Officer, and other public officials as you deem necessary. For this exercise, add and notify in advance the Town Clerk, Registrars of Voters, 2 polling site Moderators, Democrat Town Committee Chair, Republican Town Committee Chair.

• Identify a location where this full Unified Command can meet for the exercise on June 12 and have copies of both the Local Emergency Operations Plan and your municipality’s Emergency Contingency Plan for Elections. If your municipality has not developed an elections emergency contingency plan, use the Secretary of the State’s model plan, location in Regulation of State Agencies Sections 9-174a-1 to 9-174a-34

• In advance of the exercise, share copies of the LEOP and the Elections Contingency Plan with the municipal

participants. Electronic copies are sufficient.

• Identify primary and alternate communications methods that would be used during the elections process, which includes the early voting days:

o Complete an ICS-205 Form, Incident Radio Communications Plan

o Test all communications means - radios, landlines, cell phones, satellite phones, Everbridge (verify that municipal notification/contact information is current, etc.)

• WebEOC - Establish primary Emergency Management Director account, and secondary support staff.

In addition to the scenarios that will be provided, the exercise should include a review of the following topics:

o Municipal Local Emergency Operations Plan.

o Municipal Emergency Contingency Model Plan for Elections or the Plan developed by the municipality.

o Identify roles and responsibilities of key personnel.

o Procedure for declaration of a local emergency.

o Hazardous materials incident response and capabilities.

o Emergency evacuation plan.

o Interaction with school system for school closings and openings.

o Public messaging and communications methods. What are your plans to communicate with those for whom English is not the primary language?

o Communications procedures, information, and request flows, particularly to and from DEMHS Regional Office, Secretary of the State Office, and internally within the municipality.

As a reference for the LEOP and related resources, the following link is provided: https://portal.ct.gov/DEMHS/Emergency-Management/Resources-For-Officials/ Planning-For-All-Hazards/LEOP/Local-Emergency-Operations-Plan-Resources

If you have any questions or if you require any additional information regarding the 2024 EPPI Exercise, please contact us at DEMHS via e-mail at demhs.eppi.questions@ct.gov.

All modules and injects for the 2024 EPPI will be sent via email to the registered municipal representative (EMD, Deputy EMD).

The State Emergency Operations Center will be playing simultaneously and will be available for requests for assistance from municipalities through the appropriate DEMHS Regional Office.


Connecticut Emergency Management and Homeland Security
