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Wednesday, Feb 19, 2020 at 8:00 AM to 9:30 PM EST
Omni Jacksonville Hotel, 245 Water Street, Jacksonville, FL, 32202, United States
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Omni Jacksonville Hotel, 245 Water Street, Jacksonville, FL, 32202, United States.
Program Agenda
8:00 am – 4:30 pm
· Industry Association Support & Involvement with Construction Education
· Faculty Development via Industry Internships
· The ACCE Accreditation Process – Preparing for a Visit & “Lessons Learned”
· Student Learning Outcome (SLO) 9: Meeting the Standard for Multidisciplinary Teams
· Lunch/Networking
· The Emergence & Importance of Program Leadership in Assessment & Accreditation
· Building Successful, Integrated & Beneficial Relationships with Industry
· Industry Involvement in Developing Relationships w/International Partner Institutions
· Roundtable Discussions: ACCE Industry Caucus
5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
· ACCE Mid-Year Meeting Networking/Welcome Reception at the Omni Hotel
6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
· Dinner with ACCE Leadership and Program Chairs at River City Brewing!
The only event of its kind, ACCE's IAB Event is a "must attend" program for Advisory Board Members and Program Chairs. ? Whether you belong to a long-standing IAB, or are in the early stages of pursuing accreditation, attend this event to share and compare what has been most successful for Industry Advisory Boards and Construction Programs across the U.S.
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Simpson Strong-Tie
• Learn how ACCE Association Members Support the Career Pathways through Student Chapters • Available Partnering Opportunities for Construction Education Programs, Research Activity, Financial Support, Awards & Scholarships
National Association of Home Builders
National Center for Construction Education and Research
This session panel will highlight the need for faculty members to remain current regarding industry practices. Two examples of faculty internships will be described, including “lessons learned” from both faculty and industry participants. The benefits of faculty internships extend beyond the normal parameters of faculty development, enabling academics to be more effective and relevant in the classroom.
University of Washington; Chair of ACCE Board of Trustees
University of Florida, AGC Education & Research Foundation
The Construction Management program at IUPUI recently completed a successful ACCE Self-Study and accreditation visit. The objective of this presentation is to provide the “lessons learned” concerning: Development of the Self-Study; Preparation for and communication with the visiting team prior to the site visit; and Discussions, negotiations, and actions taken during the site visit. Opportunities for audience interaction and discussion will be provided.
Program Director, Construction Engineering Management Technology, IUPUI
This session will present one method for the successful assessment of SLO 9 - Apply construction management skills as a member of a multi-disciplinary team. This is a proven method for measuring the management skills of individuals within a team construct.
With the importance of industry-specific accreditations on a college graduate’s resumé, more universities are looking for ways to assist in the success of their graduates’ education and careers by gaining program accreditations. No small part of the accreditation process involves aligning academic programs with industries and professionals. Theresa manages and coordinates assessment activities across 11 programs and 4 industry-specific accrediting organizations to ensure that all Purdue accreditations remain in good standing.
Purdue University
The success of ACCE-Accredited Construction Management programs is a result of the confluence of professional preparation, a vision of excellence, and a construction education philosophy focused on real world engagement. The partnership forged with industry through the Advisory Committee is a key factor in fulfilling this mission. This session will detail the opportunities to network, conduct community service, and aide in students’ successful entry into the workforce. The presentation will define the impact, purpose, and blueprint of a thriving Advisory Board. Individual Mentoring, Course Content, and Diversity & Inclusion strategies will be discussed. The goal will be to provide participants with a working structure for implementing strong and effective industry integration within their respective programs.
This presentation will outline how the relationship between Beijing University & Auburn University (BSCI) has developed over time, the important role members of the BSCI IAC played in supporting this relationship, how this relationship has provided study abroad opportunities for BSCI students and research opportunities for BSCI faculty. The presentation will also provide an overview of the accreditation process in China and industry’s role in that process.
Auburn University
Holder Construction
Simpson Strong-Tie, Vice Chair of ACCE Board of Trustees
Omni Hotel, Jacksonville, Fl
River City Brewing Company, Jacksonville, FL
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