Getting It Done Right: Making Small Interventions in Advancing Rare Disease Programs
Helping patient advocates representing national and regional patient-centric organizations effectively deliver, share best practices, develop skills and adopt coordinated strategies for improving rare disease patient outcomes. Learn common barriers and how to share strategies that RD organizations can successfully employ. Join leading research organizations, public health agencies and biopharma industry for an intense three-day forum!
Asia Pacific Advocacy Symposium
Saturday, 19 October (08:30AM - 04:30PM)
This session is organized jointly by APARDO, Taiwan Foundation for Rare Disorders and Rare Diseases International (RDI), followed by an internal meeting of APARDO members.
- Presentation on Regional and Global Rare Disease Policy Initiatives
- Panel on Providing Better Access to Diagnosis and Treatment
- Workshop on Policy Advocacy to Improve Conditions of Patients
Rare Disease and Human Genetics Symposium
Sunday, 20 October (09:00AM - 06:30PM)
This session is organized jointly by Taiwan Foundation for Rare Disorders and Taiwan Human Genetics Society.
- Newborn Screening for Genetic Disorders
- Multidisciplinary Care for Rare Disease Patients
- Experience of Rare Disease Programs in Asia
- Overview of the APEC Rare Disease Action Plan
APARDO Training on APEC Rare Disease Framework
Monday, 21 October (08:30AM - 12:00PM)
Taiwan Global Health Forum
Monday, 21 October (01:30PM - 05:50PM)
This session is hosted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and Ministry of Foreign Affairs Taiwan.
- Genomic Perspective - Rare Disease Prevention and Care
- Orphan Drugs and Medical Insurance
- The event is free, but a separate registration is required.