Forrest Yoga 200-Hour Foundation Teacher Training - Modular

Thursday, Apr 19, 2018 at 8:00 AM to Tuesday, Aug 28, 2018 at 6:00 PM PST

Sunburst Sanctuary, 7200 S. Highway One, Lompoc, California, 93436, United States

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Sale ended

Camping Part-Time (Super Early Bird Rate) Partial Approval - $5,299.00

Camping Part-Time tuition covers your shared room in a cabin/house in the 1st module and camping in the 2nd module. Bring your own tent. Camping is only allowed in the 2nd module. Shared rooms include multiple beds. Most are in our wilderness cabins and include queen or full-sized beds. Shared bath. The cabins exhibit rustic elements with transitional design elements of modernism and industrial interiors. Most cabins hold 2, 3, 4, or 5 people. One cabin holds 8 people.

sales ended

Shared (Super Early Bird Rate) Partial Approval - $5,699.00

Shared rooms include multiple beds. Most are in our wilderness cabins and include queen or full-sized beds. Shared bath. The cabins exhibit rustic elements with transitional design elements of modernism and industrial interiors. Most cabins hold 2, 3, 4, or 5 people. One cabin holds 8 people.

Sale ended

Camping Part-Time (Early Bird Rate) Partial Approval - $5,400.00

Part-Time Camping: Bring your own tent. Camping is only allowed in the 2nd module, not the 1st module. In the 1st module, you stay in a shared cabin. In the 2nd module, you live in your tent every night for all 12 nights. This is the most affordable option and great for those of you who enjoy camping. Camping Part-Time tuition covers your shared room in a cabin in the 1st module and camping in the 2nd module.

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Shared (Early Bird Rate) Partial Approval - $5,640.00

3 people per cabin, 1 bed per person

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Camping Part-Time (Regular Rate) Partial Approval - $5,999.00

Part-Time Camping: Bring your own tent. Camping is only allowed in the 2nd module, not the 1st module. In the 1st module, you stay in a shared cabin. In the 2nd module, you live in your tent every night for all 12 nights. This is the most affordable option and great for those of you who enjoy camping. Camping Part-Time tuition covers your shared room in a cabin in the 1st module and camping in the 2nd module.

sales ended

Shared (Regular Rate) Partial Approval - $6,239.00

3 people per cabin, 1 bed per person.

Sale ended

Non-Residential (Early Bird Rate) Partial Approval - $4,375.00

Excludes Functional Anatomy for Yoga Teachers course and meals. The estimated cost of the anatomy course is $375. You will be required to complete it in between the 2 modules. If you would like meals, select "Meals for Non-Residential"

sales ended

Non-Residential (Regular Rate) Partial Approval - $4,975.00

Excludes Functional Anatomy for Yoga Teachers course and meals. The estimated cost of the anatomy course is $375. You will be required to complete it in between the 2 modules. If you would like meals, select "Meals for Non-Residential"

Sale ended

NON-RESIDENTIAL Meals - Don't pay if you're residential Partial Approval - $1,080.00

This covers meals for both modules for trainees who AREN'T living at Sunburst. Trainees who are living at Sunburst do not need to pay for meals (meals are included in the residential tuition).

sales ended

Early Bird Lock-In Partial Approval - $300.00

Pay a non-refundable $300 deposit by July 30, 2017 and lock into the Early Bird rate. Your balance for the Early Bird Rate ($5099 for camping part-time or $5499 for shared or $6299 for suite) is due one month prior to the training or when the training sells out, which ever comes first. If you pay your balance late, then you will lose the Early Bird, and therefore, owe the balance based off of the Regular rate. When it is time to pay your balance, go to this link:

Enter your discount code

  • Subtotal (excluding fees and discounts)
  • Fee
  • Total amount

Thursday, Apr 19, 2018 at 8:00 AM to Tuesday, Aug 28, 2018 at 6:00 PM PST

Sunburst Sanctuary, 7200 S. Highway One, Lompoc, California, 93436, United States.

The 200-Hour Forrest Yoga® Foundation Teacher Training (FYFTT) will take place at a residential resort called Sunburst Sanctuary in California (about 45 minutes west of Santa Barbara)! This is the FIRST modular 200-Hour FYFTT, designed especially for those who cannot take off for a full month. Imagine not having to worry about things like food, transportation, or accommodations so that you can focus on learning, relaxing in your free time, and connecting with your tribe. Taught by Heidi Sormaz and Catherine Allen.

The FYFTT is a 200-Hour Yoga Alliance Registered School. It is a comprehensive program for aspiring teachers, experienced teachers or yoga students who want to work deeper within themselves. This FYFTT comprises of two modules. Each of the two modules is 12 days (plus one check-in day prior). In between modules, you will complete required online training and assignments, including the functional anatomy course taught by Ellen Heed. The second module concludes with a Business Course.


Module #1: April 19 – May 1, 2018 (ends at 4pm on May 1st)
Module #2: August 16 – 28, 2018 (ends at 5:30pm on August 28th)

For complete details, including logistical info and curriculum, about this training, click here.


    • Residential Tuition covers both modules, manuals from both modules, training curriculum, all meals, amenities, and accommodations.
    • Camping Part-Time tuition covers your shared room in a cabin/house in the 1st module and camping in the 2nd module. Bring your own tent. Camping is only allowed in the 2nd module.
    • The residential tuition doesn’t include the 3-Day Functional Anatomy Course taught by Ellen Heed. You can either take this 3-day course online or in-person for a separate fee (estimate: $375). You are responsible for completing this requirement to receive your Forrest Yoga Certification.
    • Accommodations Changes: If you switch to another accommodation type, there will be a $100 admin fee applied to your balance or deducted from your credit.


    • Early Bird Deadline is February 19, 2018 or when the training sells out, whichever comes first.
    • If you pay your non-refundable $300 deposit for the Early Bird Lock-In Special, your balance for the Early Bird Rate ($5100 for camping part-time or $5340 for shared) is due March 19, 2018 or when the training sells out, which ever comes first. If you pay your balance late, then you will lose the Early Bird, and therefore, owe the balance based off of the Regular rate.
    • Non-refundable deposit: Fee due immediately upon registration to secure your spot.
    • Remaining Payment: Unless you participate in the 30-Day Limited Special, the balance of tuition due must be paid in full one month prior to the start of this training OR when the training is sold out, whichever comes first. Full payments are accepted anytime.
    • Penalty Fees on Tuition Payments: Once tuition is due in full, payment must be made within 5 days or your spot in the training will not be guaranteed. A $25 returned check fee will be assessed for any returned check.
    • Refunds: NO refunds, credits or transfers for cancellation. No exceptions.
    • Accommodations Changes: If you switch to another accommodation type, there will be a $100 admin fee applied to your balance or deducted from your credit.

Catherine Allen

Taught by Forrest Yoga Mentor Guardians Heidi Sormaz and Catherine Allen

Contact the Organizer