GWO Auditor Qualification Training - UK

Wednesday, Oct 2, 2019 at 9:00 AM to Thursday, Oct 3, 2019 at 1:30 PM WET

Maersk Training, Orion Business Park, 2 Mercury Court, North Shields, UK, NE29 7SN, United Kingdom

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Delegate - GWO AQT Training _ Newcastle Partial Approval - Free

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Wednesday, Oct 2, 2019 at 9:00 AM to Thursday, Oct 3, 2019 at 1:30 PM WET

Maersk Training, Orion Business Park, 2 Mercury Court, North Shields, UK, NE29 7SN, United Kingdom.

As part of our ongoing commitment to good governance of the GWO training network, we are hosting an Auditor Qualification Training course at Maersk training in Newcastle.

The training will be conducted in English and the objectives of the training are to:

  • Enable auditors to conduct audits on training providers in accordance with the GWO Criteria for Training Providers. This includes the capability to audit training providers seeking to deliver GWO training, be it as a first-time qualification or adding new modules to their certification
  • Enable auditors to conduct re-certification or surveillance audits when needed
  • Provide expert tuition into those specific competencies relating to GWO standards.
  • Places are limited to a maximum of 12 delegates
  • A maximum of two delegates from the same company are permitted - one of whom must have previous experience auditing GWO training
  • AQT Training is free of charge and will be delivered by an experienced GWO auditor


  • Travel and expenses are not included

Requirements for the Certification Body,

documentation of accreditation to ISO 17021 or 17065 and that the accrediting body is a signatory of the IAF MLA.

Requirements for the  auditor:

Documentation confirming that you are certified ISO 9001 or similar – in order to cover the audit of the QMS in the administration of a Training Provider. OHSAS18001/ISO45001 or similar – in order to cover the assessment during the training course.

For a full list of requirements, please review the GWO Criteria for Certification Bodies

Cancellation policy

Registrants can cancel at any point up to the day of attendance. If you plan to change your registration (for example transfer it to a colleague) please complete this cancellation and email 

Global Wind Organisation

Global Wind Organisation is a non-profit body founded by leading wind turbine manufacturers and operators to create a safer and more productive workforce.

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