Intimate & Personal Messages & Answers Event

Thursday, Oct 10, 2019 at 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM EST

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Intimate & Personal Messages & Answers Event Partial Approval - $99.00

A Special Intimate Night of Messages and Answers in a small group setting of 12 with Joseph a Man of Mystery and Enchantment.

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Thursday, Oct 10, 2019 at 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM EST



Joseph known as a “direct dial” is able to connect to a crossed over loved one 90% of the time by knowing the relationship of the person you want to hear from, its like having a universal phone book!

Like the ‘Magic 8 Ball’, Joseph’s readings are delivered by answering specific questions through his psychic abilities. He is able to see what life has in store for his clients and help them choose a path that leads to the best outcome in your life so have your questions ready!


Spirit No Shows:Joseph has a high percentage 90% in connecting with the cross over loved one when using his “direct dial” method but there is still no guarantee that a Loved one will come through. No matter how small of a group “NO Medium” can promise to connect with everyone in the room to bring in their loved ones. Your loved ones chooses the medium and if they choose not to participate with a certain medium then they have free will to do so or not. Also I find that they may be very private and only would rather make their appearance in a one to one session or with just family members.


Life-Path Questions: After Joseph has exhausted all methods to connect you with your loved one with no luck then you may benefit from Joseph award winning gifts in having him answer 2 life-path questions.

Our Journey of Life