Introduction to Forest Gardening - August 2022

Saturday, Aug 6, 2022 at 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM BST

1d Powis Circle, Aberdeen, Scotland, AB24 3YT, United Kingdom

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Standard ticket Partial Approval - £40.00

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Saturday, Aug 6, 2022 at 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM BST

1d Powis Circle, 1d Powis Circle, Aberdeen, Scotland, AB24 3YT, United Kingdom.

This one day course will introduce the principles and the plants of edible forest gardening. Topics will include how a forest garden works, the forest garden year, forest garden plants, and harvesting and cooking forest garden crops. The course be particularly aimed at those who want to grow in an allotment, small garden or community setting.

If the weather permits, most of the day will be spent in a forest garden. If the weather is less conducive we will be based in my flat or the local community centre with shorter trips down to the garden. Bring a packed lunch - or lunch can be bought in nearby shops.

Cancellation policy

There is a £2 cancellation charge to cover registration costs. If you need to cancel, please do so as far as possible in advance to give someone else a chance to take the place. If I have to cancel a full refund will be given.

Alan Carter is the author of 'A Food Forest In Your Garden' and the website

Contact the Organizer