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Wednesday, Sep 18, 2019 at 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM EST
Connecticut Fire Academy, 34 Perimeter Road, Windsor Locks, CT, 06096, United States
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Connecticut Fire Academy, 34 Perimeter Road, Windsor Locks, CT, 06096, United States.
9:00 AM
Welcome and Workshop Goals
9:15 AM
Participant and Facilitator Introductions
09:30 AM
Exercise Schedule and Glidepath
9:45 AM
Federal, State and Local Roles in the Ingestion Pathway
10:30 AM
10:45 AM
A-Team Briefing
11:30 AM
12:15 AM
Phases of an Nuclear incident/Post Plume Activities
1:00 PM
Ingestion exposure pathway activities
1:45 PM
Post Plume Relocation activities
2:30 PM
Post Plume Reentry
3:15 PM
Post Plume Return and Recovery
4:00 PM
General Feedback and Workshop close
4:30 PM
Connecticut Emergency Management and Homeland Security A Division of Emergency Services and Public Protection
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