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Thursday, Oct 27, 2016 at 5:15 PM to 7:45 PM GST
MHS, Copse Close, Oadby, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE2 4FU, United Kingdom
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MHS, Copse Close, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE2 4FU, United Kingdom.
In May 2017 all current Year 6 students will take their Key Stage 2 SATS exams. 2016 was a record breaking year for Key Stage 2 SATs at Manor High School and planning has already begun to ensure our current Year 6 students make history again in 2017. Already a whole host of events have taken place to motivate, inspire and plug gaps in knowledge.
On Thursday 27th October 2016 Manor High School will be hosting a Key Stage 2 SATs information evening for all parents/carers of current year 6 students. Staff will explain all about the pioneering work we do to prepare students for the exams and ensure they thrive in secondary education. Parents/carers will come away with a good understanding of the techniques we use that have brought about so much success over recent years and the extra initiatives we have implemented this year. An important part of our success story is the close partnership between the school and home, with this in mind parents will be given vital information and tips to empower them to support their child throughout year 6 and beyond.
Over the years this has been a very popular and over-subscribed event in the school calendar. To ensure there will be space for all those that want to attend the evening will be split into two halves: Session 1 (5.15-6.40pm) and session 2 (6.15-7.40pm). Each session includes workshops delivered by the Maths and English team. After the session there will be an opportunity to purchase resources and revision materials to provide extra support from home and have further conversation with key staff.
Manor High School is a highly successful school for boys and girls aged 10-14 years. The school has approval from the EFA to change the age range to 11-16 from 2017. Most of our pupils come from the Oadby area. This is a desirable town on the outskirts of Leicester and the school has stunning views eastwards across the Leicestershire countryside. We also welcome a number of pupils each year from further afield across the city and the county. Our school is built around four core values: Excellence, Inspiration, Respect and Care. These underpin all aspects of life in our school. Manor High is a happy, caring and friendly school. We have supportive parents and willing learners. We benefit from and celebrate a rich cultural diversity within our school community. Our standards and expectations are very high and we strive for excellence in all areas of school life.
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