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Monday, Dec 31, 2018 at 7:00 PM to Saturday, Jan 5, 2019 at 8:00 PM EST
Ridgecrest Conference Center, 1 Ridgecrest Dr, Black Mountain, North Carolina, 28770, United States
Sale ends on 01/05/2019
be a part of the reason why a missionary can attend KD2019
Ridgecrest Conference Center, 1 Ridgecrest Dr, Black Mountain, North Carolina, 28770, United States.
We are God's royal priesthood whom He entrusted to cultivate the Heavenly culture here on this earth. When we unite with Heaven, we change the world. Find out more at our annual Kingdom Domain School this upcoming holiday season.Be transformed and empowered to bring God's Kingdom culture into your family, your city, and the whole world. As we unite together to seek God's face, we believe that He will awaken a generation of people who will seek to establish the Culture of the Kingdom of God on Earth and thus transform the society around them.
Pastor Andrey Shapoval is a minister of God and founder of Flame of Fire Ministry in Sacramento, CA.
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