Loreto - 2019 Baja Blues Tour

Friday, Feb 1, 2019 at 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM PST

Paseo Lopez Mateos E/Baja California, Loreto, BCS, 23880, Mexico

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This event is currently not on sale. Please contact the organizer at the email address on the bottom right corner.


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Music Maestro Table - Get 4 FREE Raffle Tickets! Partial Approval - $20.00

This is a RESERVED TABLE near the dance floor with a direct view of the stage. A table for 4 guests, 4 FREE Raffle Tickets, and a BIG THANK YOU for supporting the efforts of the Blues Against Hunger Society.*Table reservation fees offset the expense of producing free events and help ensure a successful food drive.

sales ended

Jammer / Musician Registration Partial Approval - Free

Please email bluesagainsthunger@gmail.com your bio and photo to be listed on the Player page on www.bluesagainsthunger.org

Sale ended

Music Lover - Get a FREE Raffle Ticket! Partial Approval - Free

General seating reservation. This guarantees you seating and receive a FREE Raffle Ticket. * Please bring a non-perishable food donation. Thank you.

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  • Fee
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Friday, Feb 1, 2019 at 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM PST

Evening Shade, Paseo Lopez Mateos E/Baja California, Loreto, BCS, 23880, Mexico.

February 1, 2019, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM * EVENING SHADE - LORETO


Your host band is Sweet Sixx & The Wild Pack Band with special guest Miguel Korsa. Come out and have a swingin' good time. The concert is FREE & bring a non-perishable food donation to help your community - Music and Meals Heal. Go to www.BLUESAGAINSTHUNGER.org for the list of musicians joining the jam in LORETO #bluesagainsthunger #bajabluestour #sweetsixx #miguelkorsa

Please bring a non-perishable food donation to help your community - music, and meals can heal.


Blues Against Hunger Society


BLUES AGAINST HUNGER SOCIETY (BAHS), an organization dedicated to feeding the hungry through the preservation and promotion of blues music. BAHS' mission is to produce free live blues music food drive events for collecting nonperishable food donations for local food banks.

Contact the Organizer