- 7 SDUs (WSHO) - Approved
- 5 CPD Pts (FSM) - Approved
- 2 CM Pts (RIH) - Approved
- PDUs (for PEs) - Pending
- STU (Safety)(RE/RTO) - Pending
Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), Occupational and Environmental Health Society (OEHS) and NUS Alumni – SHE Society are proud have our first collaboration. We have brought together health care professional, industrial hygienists, professional engineers and workplace safety and health (WSH) professionals to share their experiences on Managing Fire Risks at the Workplace.
Traditionally, we recognize the importance of workplace safety to keep ourselves safe at work. The recent UK fire recalibrated our attention to manage fire risks which is critical at any workplace. The characteristics of
flammable materials, managing fire during crisis or emergency situation, and how to manage burns. Come join us for an exciting multidisciplinary seminar and it can be a great benefit in shaping a culture of safety, health and well-being of our workers.
Programme Highlights:
1. Crisis Management Framework of a Metro Operator
By: Prof Vincent Ho - President- Elect IOSH (UK)
2. Risk Management of Flammable Chemicals
By: Mr. Tan Kia Tang and Mr Ang Boon Tian - Executive members of OEHS
3. Sharing 30 years of Fire Safety Engineering Design Experience
By: Er. Vincent Tong - Institute of Engineers Singapore
4. Management of Acute Burns in Singapore
By: Dr. Chong Si Jack - Consultant, Dept of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,
Singhealth Deputy Head and Consultant plastic surgeon in Sengkang General Hospital
5. Learning's from Large Scale Fire Tests on Façade Safety
By: Mr Jagdish Vatapalli - Underwriters laboratories
6. How to Develop a Workable Emergency Response Plan
By: Mr. Benedict Koh - Fire Safety Managers’ Association Singapore
7. A Single Spark can start a Huge Blaze
By: Er. Lucas Ng Hong Kiang - General Manager of plant,
Petrochemical Corporation of Singapore Pte Ltd
8. Application of quantitative fire risk assessment for railway
By: Prof Vincent Ho – President - Elect IOSH (UK)
Payment Mode
1. Payment via Paypal/VISA/Master/AMEX online
2. *Payment via bank transfer to DBS Current Account 005-902380-1.
Please register on Eventzilla and select bank transfer. You will receive an order receipt in your e-mail. Indicate the order receipt number and participant name in the transfer description.
Forward the order receipt and bank transfer details or screenshot to sgp-events@ioshnetworks.co.uk for expedited verification.
3. *Payment via crossed cheque payable to “IOSH Singapore Branch"
Please register on Eventzilla and select cheque payment. You will receive an order receipt in your e-mail. Please print the order receipt, indicate the participant and company name on the cheque and deliver them to:
Link @ AMK Building, 3 Ang Mo Kio Street 62 #08-29, Singapore 569139
*We will verify the payment and a confirmation e-mail will be sent to you at least 7 working days before the event. In the unlikely event that you did not receive the confirmation, please e-mail to sgp-events@ioshnetworks.co.uk, contact Sarah at 97416327 or Molly at 90399668 to enquire. Please remember to check your junk/spam folder too.
No refunds will be initiated in the event that you are unable to attend. However, you may find a replacement and inform us by writing to sgp-events@ioshnetworks.co.uk at least 5 working days before the event date.