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Thursday, Nov 23, 2017 at 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM GST
MHS, Copse Close, Oadby, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE2 4FU, United Kingdom
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MHS, Copse Close, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE2 4FU, United Kingdom.
Following parental requests, there will an additional ‘Maximising Progress Under the Reformed GCSEs' event on Thursday 23rd November starting at 6pm.
This event will involve short presentations from teaching staff and Exam Board examiners from each of the English Baccalaureate subjects (English, Maths, Science, Humanities and Modern Foreign Languages).
The aim of the session is to highlight the changes between the legacy GCSEs and the reformed GCSEs that all students across England will now be sitting. Examples of work will be shown demonstrating specific grades so that parents can get a better understanding of what is required and how they can best support and challenge their child.
Please do make attendance at this event a priority as it will be very beneficial in the run up to the exams students will be taking in December.
Manor High School is a highly successful school for boys and girls aged 11-16 years. Most of our pupils come from the Oadby area. This is a desirable town on the outskirts of Leicester and the school has stunning views eastwards across the Leicestershire countryside. We also welcome a number of pupils each year from further afield across the city and the county. Our school is built around four core values: Excellence, Inspiration, Respect and Care. These underpin all aspects of life in our school. Manor High is a happy, caring and friendly school. We have supportive parents and willing learners. We benefit from and celebrate a rich cultural diversity within our school community. Our standards and expectations are very high and we strive for excellence in all areas of school life.
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