Money Health & Wealth Financial Literacy Series - SPENDING: Preparing for Large Purchases (rescheduled for October 16th)

Tuesday, Jun 19, 2018 at 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM CST

3711 Southmore, Houston, TX, 77004, United States

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SPENDING: Preparing for Large Purchases Partial Approval - Free

In this class, we explore how we view money, how we learned about money management, and how our emotions and habits affect how we spend our money. Making large purchases can be stressful and intimidating. Come receive some basic information and techniques that will help make those purchases easier.

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Tuesday, Jun 19, 2018 at 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM CST

Nubia Square Apartment Community Center, 3711 Southmore, Houston, TX, 77004, United States.

In this class, we explore how we view money, how we learned about money management, and how our

emotions and habits affect how we spend our money. Making large purchases can be stressful and

intimidating. Come and receive some basic information and techniques that will help make your purchase



Cancellation policy

Due to limited seating, please cancel within 48 hours of the event to allow space for others to attend. You will receive a reminder email and text two days prior. Feel free to contact us at (713) 520-5232 or  Thank you.

Neighborhood Recovery Community Development Corporation

Neighborhood Recovery Community Development Corporation’s mission continues to be providing opportunities for the development of people, housing, business and economic enterprise; improving public education; enhancing quality of life; and increasing community investment, financial services and community and social services.

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