Partnering with “Co-Creators” to Activate Places

Thursday, Sep 8, 2016 at 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM EST

133 Peachtree ST, Atlanta, GA , 30303, United States

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Thursday, Sep 8, 2016 at 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM EST

Georgia Pacific Auditorium, 133 Peachtree ST, Atlanta, GA , 30303, United States.

A production of the Livable Committee of the Atlanta Regional Commission’s Regional Economic Competitiveness Strategy

Partnering with “untraditional” groups and people is challenging for jurisdictions and downtown associations everywhere.  These “co-creators” do not play by the same rules as governments. They have different expectations and levels of experience, they can be impatient with bureaucracy, but they are ESSENTIAL for improving the livability of your downtown and your community.  These co-creators bring new energy, new ideas and new people into the community building process and they can provide significant, even game-changing results, often at a fraction of the cost of traditional projects. 

This session will help you identify these co-creators, bring them together, and potentially partner with them for the benefit of all.  

Our session pairs author and speaker, Peter Kageyama, who coined the term "co-creators" in his 2011 book, For the Love of Cities, with three local co-creators and a local government official with experience in place activation. Peter will be joined by Chantelle Rytter, the Atlanta BeltLine Lantern Parade founder and organizer; Scott Doyon, the founder and organizer of Oakhurst Porchfest; Marian Liou, founder of We Love BuHi; and Lyn Menne, Decatur’s Assistant City Manager for Community and Economic Development. This panel will discuss how our region can become more livable by unleashing the potential creative energy in our communities.

ARC is the Regional Commission and Area Agency on Aging for the 10 county Atlanta, Georgia region and the Metropolitan Planning Organization for 20 counties.

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