Signs of Suicide Implementer Training

Thursday, Jan 16, 2020 at 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM EST

Watertown Fire Dept., 935 Main St., Watertown, CT, 06795, United States

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Thursday, Jan 16, 2020 at 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM EST

Watertown Fire Dept., 935 Main St., Watertown, CT, 06795, United States.

Signs of Suicide Implementer Training
The Signs of Suicide (SOS) Implementer training is designed to give your implementation team (schools counselors, mental health and support staff typically) the tools and knowledge needed to successfully bring the SOS program back to their schools, to roll out training to faculty and staff, parents and students.  The SOS Implementer training expounds on the district’s implementation plan and walks the team through the program’s activities and resources.  Regional SOS Implementer Trainings will be connected for identified adult implementers in each region of Connecticut, resulting in the team members learning the tools and techniques to train staff, parents and students on the Signs of Suicide.

Connecticut Emergency Management and Homeland Security

Connecticut Emergency Management and Homeland Security A Division of Emergency Services and Public Protection

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