Strength Training inspired by the Axis Syllabus with Kathleen Rea

Multiple Dates

240, Roncesvalles Avenue, Toronto, ON, M6R 1M3, Canada

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Regular rate for all 11 classes Partial Approval - $220.00

You must pick a date from right hand top drop-down menu to make this option pick-able. Please chose the first date you plan to attend.

sales ended

Mid Sliding Scale Rate for All 11 Classes Partial Approval - $160.00

You must pick a date from the right-hand top drop-down menu to make this option pickable. Please choose the first date you plan to attend. Only six mid-sliding scale rates are available.

Sale ended

Lower Sliding Scale Rate for all 12 classes Partial Approval - $140.00

You must pick a date from the right-hand top drop-down menu to make this option pick-able. Please chose the first date you plan to attend. Only four lower sliding scale rates are available.

sales ended

Drop in for a class Partial Approval - $23.00

Please choose date from right hand top drop-down menu

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Multiple Dates

Roncesvalle United Church Yoga studio (wheelchair accessible), 240, Toronto, ON, M6R 1M3, Canada.


A fitness workout aimed at strength training that follows functional movement principles with the teacher Kathleen Rea. Together we will work out our bodies considering flexibility, strength, alignment, and anatomical attributes.

The Axis Syllabus is a compendium or encyclopedia of information relevant to the training, preparation, and performance of the moving human body.  The Axis Syllabus refers to physics, anatomy, and relevant scientific data on flexibility, strength, alignment, injuries, and movement practices. Teachers of the Axis Syllabus use these references to inform movement choices to explore the what, where, and, how of efficiency and safe risk-taking, and common-sense applications of principles that apply to every-life activities as well, such as climbing, horseback riding, construction work, sports, dance, running, etc. 

ALL LEVELS: Those with disabilities are welcome and accommodations are offered. Let’s talk about what you may need to attend.

TIME: 6:00 to 7:15


Thursday, Sept 29, 2022
Thursday, Oct 6, 2022
Thursday, Oct 7, 2022
Thursday, Oct 8, 2022
Thursday, Oct 9, 2022
Thursday, Nov 3, 2022
Thursday, Nov 10, 2022
Thursday, Nov 17, 2022
Thursday, Nov 24, 2022
Thursday, Dec 1, 2022
Thursday, Dec 8, 2022

Attendees are encouraged to sign up for the class series to gain maximum benefits and drop-ins are also welcome. 

LOCATION: Roncesvalles United Church, 240 Roncesvalles Ave, Toronto
(Parking lot entrance, up the ramp to yoga/dance studio that overlooks parking lot) 

ACCESS: Wheelchair-accessible studio and washrooms. Please contact us at if you require accommodation or have any questions about access.

Please bring your own yoga mat and a bottle of water

$220 per person (Full 11 fitness class series).

$160 Mid Sliding Scalr Rate (Full 11 fitness class series & only 6 available)

$140 Lower Sliding Scalr Rate (Full 11 fitness class series & only 3 available)

$22 Drop-in for a class

TEACHER: Kathleen Rea danced with Canada’s Ballet Jorgen, National Ballet of Canada & Tiroler Landestheater (Austria). She fell in love with contact improvisation (CI) 21 years ago and has been involved in the CI community ever since. She has choreographed over 40 dance works and been nominated for 5 DORA awards. Kathleen has a Master’s in Expressive Arts with a minor in Psychology. She has a passion for functional movement and is a teacher candidate of the Axis Syllabus. She is also trained in the MELT method for hands and feet and is a certified Buteyko Breath Practitioner. She is the director of REAson d’etre dance productions a not-for-profit contact improvisation-based dance company that produces a weekly dance jam in Toronto, the Contact Dance International Film Festival, and dance-theatre productions. Being on the autism spectrum she also identifies as being neuro-atypical and works to educate the world about neurodiversity.

- There will be a commercial HEPA filter running during class time.

- The four studio windows will be open (weather permitting)

- Masks will be optional.

- Everyone is asked to wash their hands prior to class.

- All levels of vaccination and non-vaccinating are welcome

- All government regulations will be followed.

WHAT YOU NEED TO BRING: A bottle of water. You might want knee pads.

Are you experiencing any of the following COVID-19 symptoms: shortness of breath/breathing difficulties, fever, coughing, loss of smell or taste, sore throat, headache, muscle pain, or chills? If so you must not attend the class. We will give you a refund if you have already paid.

Do you recognize that despite these screening, disinfecting, and mask-wearing, protocols there is still some risk in meeting socially indoors to practice during a Pandemic? Do you accept this risk as part of your participation?


REAson d'etre dance productions

REAson d'etre dance productions strives to provide artistic expression through movement, inclusive of age, ability, level background. We stage and program works based on Contact Improvisation and functional movement so we can utilize the inclusiveness that can be a part of these movement forms. Our vision is for both professional dancers and everyday people to be inspired and invigorated by Contact Improvisation and functional movement.

Contact the Organizer