UCC InterTradeIreland Innovation Master Class Series: Dr. George Tsekouras

Friday, Sep 23, 2016 at 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM GST

College Road, Cork, Co. Cork, xxxx, Ireland

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Effective enterprise development: 9am Sept 23rd Library Creative Zone Partial Approval - Free

Master Class 1: Managing the enablers and constraints of innovation for effective enterprise development

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Implementing your innovation roadmap: 11.15 am Sept. 23rd Library Creative Zone Partial Approval - Free

Master Class 2: Implementing your innovation roadmap

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Friday, Sep 23, 2016 at 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM GST

University College Cork, College Road, Cork, Co. Cork, xxxx, Ireland.

As part of the All Island Innovation programme, the School of Management & Marketing, UCC are delighted to announce the next innovation masterclass in the 2016/2017 series of international innovation thought leaders. This year's speaker is Dr. George Tsekouras, Principal Research Fellow at the world renowned Centre for Research of Innovation Management (CENTRIM), University of Brighton (https://about.brighton.ac.uk/bbs/contact/details.php?uid=gt34)  

Dr. Tsekouras is the leader of the research group on  Innovation, Knowledge and Entrepreneurial Dynamics within CENTRIM and leads research focused on enabling innovation in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) through peer-to-peer learning networks, empower entrepreneurship, innovation management for non-high tech SMEs, planning and implementing new product development strategies for SMEs and fostering SMEs’ linkages with external research organizations through the lens of their absorptive capacity, open innovation in public-private partnerships etc.  He is also the co-ordinator of the INSPIRE project which looks at best practices of Open Innovation in SMEs in order to develop a range of strategies (e.g. training, good practice case studies, indicators etc.) to support the professionalization of Open Innovation within SMEs. 

George will visit UCC on Friday 23rd September 2016 to deliver two related master classes entitled Enabling Enterprise Development Through Innovation. The master classes are targeted at the industry audience and are free to attend but due to space constraints, advanced booking is required.


Session 1- Friday 9am-10.45am: Creative Zone, Library Ground Floor

Managing the enablers and constraints of innovation for effective enterprise development

This first workshop will provide a review of the challenges involved in enterprise development in today’s business environment. Discussion will explore the reasons for using innovation to enable enterprise development, review the challenges constraining innovation adoption and the processes that can nurture effective implementation and enterprise success.  The discussion will be highly interactive and use real life cases to explore the topic.


Session 2- Friday 11.15am-1pm: Creative Zone, Library Ground Floor

Implementing your innovation roadmap

This second workshop will offer an integrated roadmap for new business development through innovation. The roadmap will cover the whole innovation process of new business development from strategic scoping and identifying strategic challenges, the identification of a new opportunity, the development of value proposition, the internal and external positioning and the ‘march' to the market. The roadmap will include a range of practical steps to enable a company to manage the innovation of their business development.


Cancellation Policy


If you cannot make it then please let us know so we can plan adequate catering for this event. Email: l.dooley@ucc.ie




By registering for attending this event, you may receive updates and news from InterTradeIreland and/or partner organisations of the All-Island Innovation Programme.  InterTradeIreland (and host organisation) will not circulate your details to any unrelated third party.  Should you wish not to receive any related communication then please emaill.dooley@ucc.ie.

University College Cork


School of Management and Marketing, University College Cork Innovation Master Classes

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