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Thursday, Jan 30, 2020 at 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM EST
Old post office in front of the Town Hall, 1530 Sullivan Ave, South Windsor, CT, 06074, United States
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Old post office in front of the Town Hall, 1530 Sullivan Ave, South Windsor, CT, 06074, United States.
WebEOC V8.7 Basic Training - 4hrs
The Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security is pleased to offer WebEOC V8.7 training for State of CT agencies, local EMD's and first responder personnel. Please note that basic computer skills and Internet Explorer knowledge is required for training.
Once training is complete, the system can be used on a daily basis to monitor activity in the state and to manage incidents at the local, regional and state levels. It can also be used for drills and exercises.
New WebEOC 8.7 Boards
- Activity Log
- After Action Review
- Contacts
- Infrastructure Status
- JUVARE Connect App
- CT Maps
- Public Information/Press Releases
- Resource Requests
- Road Closures
- Shelters and Centers
- Situation Reports
- Statewide Hospital Status
- Statewide Public Water System Status
- Statewide Infrastructure Status
- Statewide Road Closures
- Statewide Shelter and Centers
- Statewide Significant Events
- File Library
Connecticut Emergency Management and Homeland Security A Division of Emergency Services and Public Protection
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