Women in Leadership Distinguished Speakers Series

Thursday, Nov 2, 2023 at 1:00 PM to 6:30 PM PDT

Vineyard Room (Davidson Continuing Education Center) at the University of Southern California, 3409 S. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA, 90089, United States

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IN-PERSON General Admission Partial Approval - $60.00

Please note: Space for IN-PERSON attendance WILL BE LIMITED. There will be NO REFUNDS for this event. Early bird pricing ends 9 OCT and will increase to $60 on 10 OCT. If you are unable to afford the cost of admission, please select "Admission Price Waiver" as your registration option. If you are able to donate the cost of an additional, or multiple registration fees, please do so below in the "Donate Admission(s)" section after selecting "General Admission" as your registration option.

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VIRTUAL General Admission Partial Approval - $35.00

Please note: There will be NO REFUNDS for this event. Early bird pricing ends 9 OCT and will increase to $35 on 10 OCT. If you are unable to afford the cost of admission, please select "Admission Price Waiver" as your registration option. If you are able to donate the cost of an additional, or multiple registration fees, please do so below in the "Donate Admission(s)" section after selecting "General Admission" as your registration option.

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Speaker Partial Approval - Free

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Sponsor Partial Approval - Free

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Admission Price Waiver (VIRTUAL Attendance Only) Partial Approval - Free

If you are unable to afford the cost of admission, please select this waiver as your registration option.

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Sale ends on 11/02/2023

If you are able to donate an additional admission fee, or multiple admission fees, on behalf of those who may not be able to afford the cost, please do so here. AcademyWomen is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Please confer with your tax professional to determine your level of deduction. Receipts for donated admission fees will be available upon request. Thank you for your generosity and support.

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Thursday, Nov 2, 2023 at 1:00 PM to 6:30 PM PDT

Vineyard Room (Davidson Continuing Education Center) at the University of Southern California, 3409 S. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA, 90089, United States.



The Women in Leadership Distinguished Speakers Series (DSS) are half-day, professional development events hosted online and in various locations nationwide. Each DSS takes a deep dive into a specific issue area, industry and/or competency related to women’s leadership. 


The 2 NOV DSS will be hosted in partnership with AcademyWomen and the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business, Master of Business for Veterans (USC MBV).



New research from Women of Influence+ found that almost 90% of women surveyed globally are belittled and undermined because of their success at work.  The research further states that these behaviors are perpetrated against women by not only men, but by other women as well.  This behavior has a name: Tall Poppy Syndrome (TPS) - and though the name may be unknown to many, the behaviors and their associated experiences are far too familiar for most women.  The effects of TPS are felt well beyond the context in which it occurs and deeply impact all employees, raising the focus on the cultural environments being created by leaders in every organization and the degree to which they foster true belonging, collaboration and efficiency. 


Our theme - Women as Allies: Nurturing the Tallest Poppies - will offer a profound perspective on what is required of leaders to promote healthier, more supportive and productive workplace environments. 



We will take a deep dive to:


  • uncover the cycles, characters, and cultures of Tall Poppy Syndrome;
  • understand the leader's role in creating psychological and psychosocial safety;
  • unpack the impact of TPS on morale, productivity, retention, DEI efforts, innovation and workplace/societal progress;
  • address gender dynamics, race, orientation, bullying, harassment and other intersections of TPS;
  • examine the role of women / leaders in perpetuating or countering TPS in the workplace;
  • learn strategies and interventions to cultivate more supportive, healthier interpersonal and organizational cultures


Expert-led discussions by preemminent thought leaders will provide important professional development opportunities and awareness of the challenges faced by many in the workplace to equip leaders with tools that allow the full potential of every individual to be realized and flourish.


Participants will be able to engage in honest, insightful discussions to brainstorm ideas and co-create solutions about how leaders, individually and collectively, can become better leaders and allies to ALL women in the workplace.



The Distinguished Speakers Series (DSS) was launched in 2015 as a collective vision between AcademyWomen, the International Women’s Think Tank and the Georgia Tech Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts.  In partnership with premier institutions of higher learning and organizations committed to diversity, equity and inclusion, the DSS brings together our partners’ mutual commitments to promote women’s leadership in a diverse world, research, critical thinking and innovative problem-solving regarding issues related to women and girls.  These events gather leaders from the military, veteran, government and civilian communities, who are regarded as problem-solvers and thought leaders, to collectively tackle challenges, spark innovations, and inspire positive change. Distinguished women leaders, and our supporters, from around the world are expected to attend. 



As part of the Distinguished Speakers Series, AcademyWomen is providing the opportunity for event participants to include their profiles in the 2023-2024 Professional Profile Directory (PPD). The Professional Profile Directory features the highly sought-after skills, talents and leadership competencies of military women in career transition.  This directory will be shared with AcademyWomen partners who may be able to facilitate hiring, a group that includes a wide array of top-caliber corporate, nonprofit and government entities.


Not able to attend the DSS?  If you are a military officer woman, senior enlisted woman or military spouse in career transition, you can still include your information in the Professional Profile Directory.  eMentor Alumni and members of the Webinar Series communities are also invited to participate in the PPD.  For more information, visit the PPD here.



Stay connected in our new Virtual Engagement Center (VEC) - powered by Leidos!  The VEC is an "always on" platform where members of the military community can stay up-to-date on the latest AcademyWomen events, connect to resource providers and engage 24/7/375 through asynchronous text, audio, and video chats with top-tier, military friendly organizations like Leidos and USC MBV!  



If you - or your organization - would like to partner or sponsor the 2 NOV DSS, Virtual Engagement Center, or an upcoming AcademyWomen event, contact: sponsorship@academywomen.org.



Tall Poppy Syndrome (TPS) is a social phenomenon (with deep psychological roots) in which individuals who stand out from the average and are perceived as more successful or talented are resented, criticized, or undermined by others.


The origin of the name 'Tall Poppy Syndrome' is debatable.  Perhaps in the Australian context -  where the word 'poppy' may have its origin in an obsolete meaning of 'a conspicous or prominent person or thing' - where all 'poppies' are expected to grow at the same speed and height, and those that grow too fast, are reduced, or cut-down to size.  This meaning may have been derived from the Roman Historian Livy's account of Tarquinius Superbus - who demonstrated how to deal with potential enemies by striking off the heads of the tallest poppies in his garden with a stick. 


TPS is more well-known in Australia and New Zealand - with related phenomena and expressions acknowledged/used worldwide.  However, due to the recent Tallest Poppy study initiatied by Women of Influence, TPS is now gaining more understanding in the United States and North America. 


According to the study which surveyed over 4,700 women in 103 countries - TPS occurs when women are bullied, resented, disliked, criticized, or "cut-down" because of their achievements or success, this is especially true for women as they become more accomplished.  This manifests in the workplace in numerous ways, such as: downplaying or dismissing achievements, marginalizing, ignoring, purposefully excluding, undermining, sabotaging, taking credit for others' work, silencing, making disparaging comments, defaming reputations, gossiping, and microaggressions.


Both men and women are guilty of these behaviors.  The research found that men in leadership positions were more likely to penalize or undermine women due to their success, while women were more likely to "cut-down" their own peers or colleagues. 


View an infographic of the Tallest Poppy Study here.



For answers to frequently asked questions about the Distinguished Speakers Series, visit the 'FAQ' tab or contact: dss@academywomen.org.


Stay safe. Stay healthy.  We hope to see you soon at the DSS!


The AcademyWomen Team



AcademyWomen is a 501c3 nonprofit leadership and professional development organization that bridges the gap of support by providing an unparalleled blend of programs and resources that connect military women to networks of substantive resources, impact and influence. Through our professional development programs, networking events and mentorship opportunities, AcademyWomen cultivates and leverages the leadership of military women to impact positive change locally, nationally and globally. AcademyWomen members and program participants include active duty and former military personnel, military spouses, senior corporate executives, seasoned entrepreneurs, social innovators and civic leaders from various industries and sectors. Membership is FREE and is open to all who support our mission. For more information, visit: www.academywomen.org and www.MilitaryOWLS.org.

Contact the Organizer


What is the Distinguished Speakers Series (DSS)?

The Women in Leadership Distinguished Speakers Series (DSS) are half-day, professional development events hosted online and in various locations nationwide. Each DSS takes a deep dive into a specific issue area, industry and/or competency related to women’s leadership. These events gather leaders from the military, veteran, government and civilian communities, who are regarded as problem-solvers and thought leaders, to collectively tackle challenges, spark innovations, and inspire positive change.

What is the theme of the upcoming DSS?

Our theme - Women as Allies: Nurturing the Tallest Poppies - will offer profound perspective on what is required of leaders to promote healthier, more supportive and productive workplace environments.  New research found that most women are penalized because of their success at work by not only men, but by other women as well.  This behavior is called Tall Poppy Syndrome (TPS) and its effects impact ALL employees, raising the focus on the workplace cultures being created by leaders and the extent to which they foster true belonging, collaboration and efficiency.

What is the date, time and location of the event?

The DSS will be held virtually and in-person on 2 NOV 2023 at 1:00p - 5:30p PST.  An evening reception will follow at 5:30p - 6:30p PST.  The onsite portion will take place in the Vineyard Room located on the lower level of the USC Davidson Continuing Education Center at 3409 S. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90089. Visit the 'Location' tab for directions and details.

Who should attend?

The DSS is open to all who are interested.  Discussions will focus on women’s leadership in a diverse world, research, critical thinking and innovative problem-solving regarding issues related to Tall Poppy Syndrome (TPS).   Current, former and aspiring military women leaders, as well as distinguished leaders and supporters (women and men) from the academic, government, corporate and civilian communities, are encouraged to attend. 

What will I learn by attending?

Expert-led discussions by preeminent thought leaders will provide important professional development opportunities and awareness of the challenges faced by many in the workplace to equip leaders with tools that allow the full potential of every individual to be realized and flourish.

Participants will be able to engage in honest, insightful discussions to brainstorm ideas and co-create solutions about how leaders, individually and collectively, can become better leaders and allies to ALL women in the workplace.

How interactive will the DSS be for virtual attendees?

The virtual audience will be able to ask questions and share comments during each livestreamed session.  The evening reception from 5:30p - 6:30p PST will NOT be livestreamed.

What is the streaming platform for the DSS and is it FedRAMP compliant?

For those who plan to attend the event virtually, the DSS will be livestreamed via Zoom.  Our streaming platform will utilize FedRAMP compliant security.  FedRAMP is a United States federal government-wide program that provides a standardized approach to security assessment, authorization, and continuous monitoring for cloud service providers (CSPs).

Can I attend the event PTDY / PTAD?

Approval rests with your leadership. Visit the 'PTDY and PTAD' tab for detailed references that may help.

Is there a recommended hotel and group rate for lodging?

A discounted group rate of $189 plus tax and fees will be offered at the USC Hotel for DSS participants until 18 OCT 2023 on a space available basis.  However, you must follow the instructions listed on the 'Hotel Accommodations' tab in order to receive this rate.  Failure to do so may result in the DSS group rate NOT being honored.

What is the nearest airport and transportation options to USC?

Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) is the closest airport to USC.  From LAX, USC is accessible by car, car service (Uber, Lyft, etc), taxi, or bus.  LAX is only 15 miles from USC, however travel times will range between 20 mins to over 60 mins depending on rush hour traffic.  If you'll be staying at the USC Hotel, please note that the hotel does NOT offer an airport shuttle.

Will parking be available near the venue?

Parking closest to the venue can be found at the Royal Street Parking Garage (Jefferson Boulevard entrance).  If staying at the USC Hotel, use the Figueroa Street Parking Garage and walk to the venue.  Rates vary.  Visit the 'Campus Map and Event Parking' tab for more details.

What is the attire?

Attendees are encouraged to dress comfortably and professionally in business casual attire or the military uniform of the day.

Will lunch or meals be served?

Lunch or meals will NOT be served.  Light refreshments will be provided throughout the day and at the Evening Reception which will be held from 5:30p - 6:30p PST.

Will the event be recorded, and if so, will I have access to the recording after the event?

As a paid registrant, access to the session recordings will be available for on-demand viewing no earlier than one week following the event?

What are the registration fees?

Early-bird rates are $50 for IN-PERSON attendance; $25 for VIRTUAL attendance.  Prices will increase to $60 and $35 respectively after 9 OCT 2023.  

For the virtual event, why do I have to pay a registration fee?

Fees cover expenses incurred to plan, organize, and run a professional, substantive event.  The programming offered has been described by past attendees as life-changing, eye-opening, and career-enhancing.  The value of these events extends well beyond the cost of registration.

Are there options if I cannot pay the registration fee?

If you are unable to personally cover the registration fee, do not hesitate to ask your supervisor, units, companies, or organizations for support.  There may be training and professional development funds available to cover your costs.  If this is not an option, you may select the option, 'Admission Price Waiver' when registering.

How can I help others attend who may not be able to pay the registration fees?

If you are able to donate an additional admission fee, or multiple admission fees, select the registration option: 'Donate Admission(s)' and contribute any amount. AcademyWomen is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Please confer with your tax professional to determine your level of deduction. Receipts for donated admission fees will be available upon request. 

Jackie Stennett (US Army Veteran)
DSS Chair
Vice President and Board of Directors, AcademyWomen
Jackie Stennett is the Vice President and Board Member of AcademyWomen, a nonprofit leadership and professional development organization that bridges the gap of support by providing programs and resources that connect military women to networks of substance, impact and influence. As Vice President, Jackie assists in the design strategy and growth of all mission critical programs including a former 5x award-winning online mentoring program, networking events and career development opportunities that cultivate and leverage the leadership of military women to impact positive change locally, nationally and globally. Jackie served as a logistics officer in the United States Army and has a wide array of leadership and management experience within the corporate, government and nonprofit sectors. Currently, in addition to her role with AcademyWomen, Jackie advises organizations with socially responsible missions in designing effective strategies to improve individual and organizational performance. She serves as an Advisory Board Member for the Gender and Policy (GAP) Center at George Mason University's Schar School of Policy and Government; the Service Academies Global Summit (SAGS); and the Civil Service Board for a South Florida city. Jackie holds a BS in Chinese Studies from the United States Military Academy at West Point, and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

About Jackie Stennett (US Army Veteran)

DSS Chair
Vice President and Board of Directors, AcademyWomen
James Bogle (Lieutenant Colonel, US Army Retired)
DSS Co-Chair
Director, USC Marshall Master of Business for Veterans (MBV)
James Bogle is the Director of the Master of Business for Veterans (MBV) program, and an Adjunct Professor of Management and Organization with the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California (USC). James joined the Marshall School in 2013 with a background in leadership, public policy and international affairs following 25 years of military service in the U.S. Army. While serving as an Army officer, James commanded two artillery units and led troops in combat in Iraq. Later, he served on the staff of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in the Office of European and NATO Policy. James also served at the U.S. Embassy in Paris, coordinating a range of conventional and special military operations with the French Joint Staff. He concluded his military career as an instructor at the U.S. Air Force Academy. James holds a BA in History from Arizona State University, an MA in International Relations from USC Dornsife, and a Master of Business for Veterans (MBV) from the USC Marshall School of Business.

About James Bogle (Lieutenant Colonel, US Army Retired)

DSS Co-Chair
Director, USC Marshall Master of Business for Veterans (MBV)
Jamie Saure
DSS Co-Chair
Associate Director, USC Marshall Master of Business for Veterans (MBV)
Jamie Saure is the Associate Director for the USC Marshall Master of Business for Veterans (MBV), supporting over 760 alumni and students in the program during the course of her almost nine years in this role. In this capacity, Jamie manages the operations and student services of MBV including admissions, marketing, enrollment, program scheduling, serving as a faculty liaison, and managing small to large-scale events. Prior to joining MBV, Jamie served as the Program Manager for UCLA Anderson’s Executive MBA program where she managed various cohorts, recruited/hired/trained student clerks, and interfaced with other departments to launch program initiatives. Jamie played a role in standing-up the Global initiatives for the part-time MBA program and also assisted in the creation of the EMBA Exchange and Certificate Programs/Elective Blocks. Jamie has experience managing domestic and international programs and has travelled to China and Costa Rica to work with top Universities such as Peking University, Fudan University, and INCAE Business School. Jamie earned her undergraduate degree as a Transfer Presidential Scholar from the University of Southern California where she majored in Political Science and minored in Pre-Law, graduating Magna Cum Laude in 2013. She holds a Masters in Paralegal Studies from George Washington University, a Masters in HR Management from USC Bovard School, and is a member of the Lambda Epsilon Chi Honor Society. Most recently, Jamie was selected as an inaugural member of USC Marshall’s Aspiring Leaders Program where she earned an Executive Leadership Certificate from Cornell University. Jamie lives happily with her husband, Bryan and two children, Sofia (11) and Ezekiel (10).

About Jamie Saure

DSS Co-Chair
Associate Director, USC Marshall Master of Business for Veterans (MBV)
Tonisha Jester
DSS Co-Chair
Program Director, USC Marshall Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Tonisha Jester is the Program Director at the University of Southern California (USC) Marshall School of Business Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion where she is a catalyst for change and passionate about infusing values around diversity, inclusion, climate and equity into all programs and activities. Tonisha has over 20 years of experience in higher education, program planning and implementation, project, and budget management; the breadth of her experience is comprehensive. Tonisha’s educational background is in Sociology with an emphasis in the sociology of education and communities and urban sociology; also includes organizational leadership, project management and enrollment management and policy. Tonisha’s personal mantra - “Lift as I Climb” - is her guiding life principle. She believes we all achieve much more when we collaborate, share resources, and support others to be the best they can be.

About Tonisha Jester

DSS Co-Chair
Program Director, USC Marshall Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Audrena Goodie-Mahone
DSS Co-Chair
Program Specialist, USC Marshall Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Audrena Goodie-Mahone serves as a Program Specialist for the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business, Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. For the past 30 years, Audrena has provided support to USC Faculty, working in close coordination with Deans, Vice Deans and Senior Administrators at the University of Southern California’s Leventhal School of Accounting. Within her 30+ tenure of employment, she has held positions such as Administrative Assistant II, Executive Coordinator for the USC Leventhal Summer Leadership Program (SLP), Supervisor to Student Staff, and Coordinator for the Accounting Research Forums. Audrena has proven to be indispensable in building community and providing resources. She has unwavering strengths and passions for infusing fair and equitable cultural expectations for all. She has gained notoriety for her support for under-represented minority youth pipeline and student mentorship programs. Serving under the tutelage of Emeritus Professor Kendall Simmonds, Director, she was instrumental in the formation of the Summer Leadership Program for high school students. Prior to the birth of SLP, Audrena served as campus Liaison to the Accounting Career Awareness Program hosted by USC. Audrena considers herself to be a trailblazing catalyst for change for upcoming generations. Her recent accomplishments include being awarded the USC Marshall School of Business 2022 Staff of the Year for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and the Dean’s CommunityAward for 2023. Audrena is married and has one daughter.

About Audrena Goodie-Mahone

DSS Co-Chair
Program Specialist, USC Marshall Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Suzy Streeter (Colonel, US Air Force Retired)
Board of Directors, AcademyWomen
Suzy Streeter is a retired U.S. Air Force Colonel and a Founding Member of the AcademyWomen Board of Directors. Over her 28 years in the Air Force, Colonel Streeter was a Group Commander, Major Command and Numbered Air Force Director of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance; an Intelligence Plans and Exercises Division Chief at a sub-unified command; a Squadron Director of Operations; a Squadron Commander; as well as an Air Staff Program Element Monitor and Legislative Affairs Liaison. Colonel Streeter's deployments include Operation DECISIVE ENDEAVOR and Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. Prior to retiring from the Air Force, she was instrumental in standing-up the US Space Force Intelligence, Reconnaissance, and Surveillance function. Colonel Streeter is a 1992 graduate of the United States Air Force Academy and is currently pursuing an MA in Pastoral Ministry.

About Suzy Streeter (Colonel, US Air Force Retired)

Board of Directors, AcademyWomen
Carol Folt, PhD
Introductory Remarks
President, University of Southern California (USC)
Dr. Carol Folt serves as the twelfth president of the University of Southern California and holds the Robert C. Packard President’s Chair. Known for always placing students at the center, she is a collaborative academic leader and an internationally recognized life scientist with faculty appointments in biological sciences, civil and environmental engineering, and population and public health sciences. Since joining USC in 2019, Dr. Folt has advanced academic excellence and innovation; increased accessibility and affordability; elevated belonging and inclusion; driven significant growth in the USC Health System; made meaningful advancements in sustainability; prioritized shared governance; enhanced USC’s winning legacy in athletics with honor and integrity; increased cross-school collaboration; built a new Capital Campus in the heart of Washington D.C., expanding USC’s role within the national conversation; amplified USC’s research enterprise; and established USC’s most comprehensive academic and research initiative, embedding ethics, analytics, and artificial intelligence across the university’s scholarly and creative work. Dr. Folt currently serves as chair of the Association of American Universities (AAU) Board of Directors. Prior to USC, Dr. Folt served as chancellor of UNC-Chapel Hill and held several leadership appointments at Dartmouth College, including interim president, provost, dean of faculty, and Dartmouth Professor of Biological Sciences. Dr. Folt is a distinguished scientist whose pioneering research on the effects of dietary mercury and arsenic on human and ecosystem health led to numerous national and global policy changes and consumption advisories. Dr. Folt earned her bachelor’s degree in aquatic biology and a master’s degree in biology from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and her doctorate in ecology from the University of California, Davis.

About Carol Folt, PhD

Introductory Remarks
President, University of Southern California (USC)
Melissa "M'lis" Ward (US Air Force Veteran)
Keynote Speaker
Captain, United Airlines
Melissa "M'Lis" Ward made history as the first African American US Air Force flight instructor and first female captain in commercial passenger aviation. M'lis credits her mother, Anne B. Ward, with teaching her self-confidence by example. The elder Ward was one of the first two Black women to graduate from the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Medicine and practiced as an obstetrician-gynecologist in the city for many years. “She started medical school when I was 6, and she was also washing the clothes and making dinner,” M'lis said. “It’s one thing to be a woman doctor in those times; it’s another thing to do it after you’ve already been married with three kids. It’s inspirational.” M'lis was brought up in the South Side of Chicago and attended Whitney Young High School. She was awarded an Air Force ROTC scholarship to college, earning a BS from the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California (USC). M'lis was a standout player during her years at Whitney Young High School and she made the USC basketball team as a walk-on, eventually excelling as a reserve forward for the Trojans’ legendary women’s team that won back-to-back national championships in 1983 and 1984. After graduating from USC, M'lis trained to become a pilot at Reese Air Force Base in Lubbock, Texas. In addition to being the only female graduate in her class, she became the first Black woman to receive a fighter pilot rating. However, because women were banned at the time from flying fighter jets and bombers, Ward instead trained male students to operate the two-seater, 5,000-pound T-37 jets. She joined the US Air Force, where she was an instructor-pilot on the T-37 and a First Pilot on the C141. “I was rated to fly fighters, but at the time women weren’t allowed to,” M'lis said. “That came along six years after I graduated from pilot training.”In November 1992 she joined United Airlines in Chicago, as a second officer on DC-10s. After nine months she became first officer on Boeing 737-200s flying out of San Francisco, moving to 727s flying out of Denver in June 1995. M'lis upgraded to Captain on the Boeing 737-300 in 1998 and then the Airbus 319 & 320 in 2010. She is the first African American female to be an Evaluator and FAA Designee for United Airlines where 7% of all commercial pilots are women and fewer than 1% of the airline’s pilots are Black women.

About Melissa "M'lis" Ward (US Air Force Veteran)

Keynote Speaker
Captain, United Airlines
Dorothy Suskind, PhD
Workshop Presenter
Education Director and Board of Directors, National Workplace Bullying Coalition
Dr. Dorothy Suskind is the Education Director and a member of the Executive Board of the National Workplace Bullying Coalition – a national nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating bullying from the American workplace through research, education, conversation, and legislation. In her research on Workplace Bullying, Dr. Suskind collected the stories of over 200 individuals across 35 states, 10 countries, and 36 industries ranging in age from 18-65. Her follow-up research study is currently being conducted and focuses on how bullying impacts an individual's sense of belonging to their work community and themselves. Dr. Suskind is also a writer and an Assistant Professor in the Education and Counseling Department at Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia. At Longwood, she directs the Southside Virginia Writing Project, part of the National Writing Project and teaches a variety of classes in literacy and a capstone course entitled Women as Disruptive Change Agents in Their Community. Prior to Longwood, Dr. Suskind served as a Middle School Principal, Action Research Coach for The Center for the Study of Boys, Assistant Professor at the University of Mary Washington, and taught multiple grades across the K-12 spectrum in both public and independent schools. In addition to her current roles, she leads writing workshops in women’s prisons, transition programs, and one-on-one writing partnerships on Death Row. Dr. Suskind holds a B.A. and M.Ed. from the Virginia Commonwealth University, and a Ph.D. from the University of Virginia.

About Dorothy Suskind, PhD

Workshop Presenter
Education Director and Board of Directors, National Workplace Bullying Coalition
Kim Scott
Workshop Presenter
Author, Radical Candor and Radical Respect
Kim Scott is the author of 'Radical Respect: How to Work Together Better' and 'Radical Candor: Be a Kickass Boss Without Losing your Humanity'. She co-founded a company that helps leaders put the ideas in her books into practice. Kim was a CEO coach at Dropbox, Qualtrics, Twitter, and other tech companies. She was a member of the faculty at Apple University and before that led AdSense, YouTube, and DoubleClick teams at Google. Earlier in her career she was an analyst at the Soviet Companies Fund, started a diamond cutting factory in Moscow, and was director of operations of a pediatric clinic in Kosovo. She lives with her family in Silicon Valley.

About Kim Scott

Workshop Presenter
Author, Radical Candor and Radical Respect
Alicia Yancy, PhD (US Air Force Veteran)
Panel Moderator
Distinguished Professorship in Accounting, Loyola University
Dr. Alicia A. Yancy holds a Distinguished Professorship in Accounting at Loyola University, and is the first Black woman to earn a PhD in accounting from the University of Southern California (USC) Leventhal School of Accounting. While working on her PhD, Dr. Yancy remembers first feeling the weight of this endeavor at an American Accounting Association’s (AAA’s) annual convention where she caught the eye of Dr. Quiester Craig, an esteemed professor and dean of the College of Business and Economics at North Carolina A&T State University. He didn’t know her, but she knew him: a legend in the field, a highly respected academic leader, and a Black man in a mostly white profession. He looked at her and said: “You keep going. We’re counting on you.” She then realized that earning a Ph.D. in accounting was much more than simply achieving her personal and career goals. “It was understood that I would be setting an example for others.” Dr. Yancy grew up in New Orleans and attended Catholic school in her early years, where she excelled academically. She later transferred to an elite private school with the help of her grandmother, who worked as a maid for a woman on the school’s board of directors. But while the private school was academically excellent, she was the only Black girl there. “It was a socially miserable time. I didn't even realize the taunts [directed at me] were racist.” She later transferred to a public high school, but the level of academic rigor declined. She grew bored and was able to dual-enroll in college courses at the HBCU - Dillard University. She excelled in her college classes, but her high school grades continued to suffer. When she was told she would not be graduating with her class, she dropped out and joined the Air Force Reserve. In boot camp - realizing her talent - her First Sergeant helped her sign up to complete the high school equivalent credential (GED), which propelled her quest to eventually earn a BBA in Accounting from the University of Houston, an MBA from Rice University, and a PhD in Accounting from the University of Southern California. Dr. Yancy holds an active Colorado CPA license. Her research interests include performance measurement, the Balanced Scorecard, and Accounting Education. Today she works to inspire others. Including one of her best memories when she returned to USC Leventhal in 2017 - several years after earning her PhD - to present her daughter with a master’s degree in accounting.

About Alicia Yancy, PhD (US Air Force Veteran)

Panel Moderator
Distinguished Professorship in Accounting, Loyola University
iAsia Brown, MBV (US Marine Corps Veteran)
Panel Member
Senior Producer, Xbox
iAsia Brown is a Senior Producer at Xbox. Celebrated as "Tech Picasso," iAsia is a combat veteran, visionary artist and storyteller bridging the worlds of gaming, film, and art. With a deep-seated commitment to authenticity and empowerment, she stands as a beacon for diverse voices in the industry and beyond. iAsia earned her Master of Business for Veterans (MBV) from the University of Southern California (USC) Marshall School of Business and is currently a doctoral student in Organizational Change and Leadership at USC Rossier School of Education. Beyond her art and academia, iAsia serves on the Board of Directors for Woman in Tech Hollywood (WiTH), Creating Coding Careers, and the Black Alumni Association at USC, further epitomizing her dedication to community, education, and advancement.

About iAsia Brown, MBV (US Marine Corps Veteran)

Panel Member
Senior Producer, Xbox
Sharoni Little, PhD, EdD
Panel Member
CEO, The Strategist Company
Dr. Sharoni Little is a Global DEI Strategist, Professor Emeritus at the University of Southern California (USC) and is the CEO of The Strategist Company, LLC - a boutique consulting firm specializing in: inclusion, diversity, equity, belonging, antiracism, bias mitigation, executive leadership, social justice, inclusive communication, and global strategy. An author and renowned scholar, Dr. Little helps organizations and communities devise holistic, evidence-based strategies and solutions. Formerly, the inaugural Head of Global Inclusion at Creative Artists Agency (CAA), Dr. Little led the company's global strategic diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility efforts to achieve and sustain the organization's mission and vision, as well as to transform media and entertainment industries. Prior to joining CAA, Dr. Little served as the Vice Dean and Senior Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer and Professor, Business Communication at the University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business - where Dr. Little educated students and executives, and led the school's holistic DEI strategy. Dr. Little, a global thought-leader, researcher, author, and community leader advises and partners with numerous organizations, executives, educators, and community leaders, both domestically and internationally. Dr. Little earned her Ph.D. from Indiana University in Rhetoric, Cultural Studies, and Law, an Ed.D. from the University of Southern California, and her Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees in Organizational Communication from Cal State Los Angeles. Dr. Little has received several leadership, mentoring, teaching, and research awards, and is completing her forthcoming books, 'The Perpetual Surveillance of Black Men', and 'Diapers and Dissertations: Women, Education, and Work'. She has been featured in various media outlets, including her TEDx talks, Storytime: Confronting and Disrupting Marginalizing Narratives and The Gift of Corrective Lenses, as well as ABC, NBC, Fox News, and PBS. Dr. Little is an educational and social advocate who currently partners with the Aspen Institute, The Obama Foundation, Children and Nature Network, Cal State LA CPGE Program teaching incarcerated students, serves on various boards, and is the Vice-Chair and Community College Board Trustee. While she values her role as a strategist, advocate, and scholar, Dr. Little’s most cherished blessing is being the proud mother of twin sons.

About Sharoni Little, PhD, EdD

Panel Member
CEO, The Strategist Company
Gary Namie, PhD
Panel Member
Social Psychologist and Co-Founder, Workplace Bullying Institute
Dr. Gary Namie is a social psychologist, widely regarded as North America's foremost authority on Workplace Bullying. He has extensive experience teaching in graduate management and psychology departments at Scripps College, University of California Santa Barbara, University of Southern California, University of San Francisco and others. In 1997, in response to Dr. Ruth Namie’s bullying experience, the couple imported Workplace Bullying to the U.S. from England. What started as a toll-free line - where he and Dr. Ruth Namie heard painful stories from over 12,000 bullied workers in all industries - soon grew to become the Workplace Bullying Institute (WBI) known today. Together, they authored the books: 'The Bully-Free Workplace' (Wiley, 2011), 'The Bully At Work' 2nd ed. (Sourcebooks, 2009) and also contributed to 'Workplace Bullying and Mobbing in the U.S.' (Praeger, 2018). Under his leadership, WBI commissioned Zogby analytics to conduct the frequently cited scientific national Workplace Bullying prevalence surveys from 2007-present, with the most recent survey published in 2021. WBI currently directs a national campaign to enact state-wide workplace anti-bullying legislation – introduced in 31 states to date. International, national and local media regard Dr. Namie as a global authority and go-to-expert on the topic of workplace bullying - with nearly 1,200 media interviews conducted during his career. He is credited with originating workplace bullying consulting in the United States, serves as an expert witness in state and federal courts, and counts government agencies, corporations, nonprofit organizations, and unions as his clients.

About Gary Namie, PhD

Panel Member
Social Psychologist and Co-Founder, Workplace Bullying Institute
Sumun "Sumi" Pendakur, EdD
Panel Member
CEO, Sumun Pendakur Consulting
Dr. Sumun L. Pendakur (Sumi) believes that we have infinite capability to imagine and enact a more just, equitable, and compassionate world. Sumi is a nationally sought-after keynote speaker, consultant and trainer for over 250 campuses, corporations, and associations thus far, and DEI thought partner to senior leaders in multiple sectors. Sumi has held roles as the Chief Learning Officer at the USC Race and Equity Center, dedicated to advancing scalable racial justice in multiple sectors; as the Assistant Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion at Harvey Mudd College, serving on the President’s Cabinet and directing the Office of Institutional Diversity; and as the Director for USC Asian Pacific American Student Services. Sumi is the multilingual daughter of immigrants, was raised in the Midwest, and now calls Los Angeles, CA, home. She is the wife of actor Sunil Malhotra, and proud mommy to Shashi Veer and Shama Shakti. In 2019, Sumi was named one of the top 35 women in higher education by 'Diverse: Issues in Higher Education' magazine.

About Sumun "Sumi" Pendakur, EdD

Panel Member
CEO, Sumun Pendakur Consulting
Angela Scott, MBV (US Navy Veteran)
Panel Member
Senior Personalization & Content Manager, Demonware (Activision Blizzard)
Angela D. Scott is a proud mother of three and United States Navy Veteran, who served as a Religious Program Specialist during Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm. In her role at Demonware Studios for Activision Blizzard, she is a Senior Personalization & Content Manager. Angela oversees and manages A/B testing, personalization process, content updates, localization for in-game, web-based and mobile applications. She coordinates with business stakeholders to identify priorities based on available resources and negotiates tradeoffs as needed. With the experimentation vertical, Angela ensures the execution of personalization strategies are streamlined and fully managed, including scheduling deployment, review, QA and reporting of test findings. As a Diversity Champion at Activision Blizzard King, Angela is a Global Community and Social Impact Lead for several Activision Blizzard King’s Employee Network Groups, where she’s developed mentorship programs for middle school through college students in under-resourced, marginalized and BIPOC communities – leveraging gaming as the gateway to bring awareness to employment opportunities in the gaming technology industry. She’s also created initiatives to increase the number of college interns from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), as well as students from Indigenous, Latinx and LGBTQ+ communities. Angela is an accomplished writer, editor and speaker who frequently serves on career panels as a subject matter expert and guest speaker. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Honors English from California State University Northridge, an Associate Arts degree in Public Policy from Santa Monica College, and a Master of Business degree for Veterans from the University of Southern California (USC MBV). As a double USC Trojan, she is currently pursuing a doctorate in Organizational Change and Leadership at USC. Ms. Scott is also a community activist dedicated to creating impactful change, and currently serves in multiple leadership roles on the local and state levels. In addition to serving as serving as a Public Safety Reform & Oversight Commissioner for the City of Santa Monica (CA), she is a Democratic State Central Committee Delegate for Assembly District 51, an Executive Board Member for the California Democratic Party (CDP) Veterans Caucus, and a Regional Vice Chair of the California Democratic Party Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Standing Committee.

About Angela Scott, MBV (US Navy Veteran)

Panel Member
Senior Personalization & Content Manager, Demonware (Activision Blizzard)

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Sessions on Nov 02, 2023

12:30 PM

Onsite Check-In

12:30 PM - 01:00 PM
01:00 PM

Overview and Welcoming Remarks

01:00 PM - 01:15 PM
    Jackie Stennett (US Army Veteran)
    DSS ChairVice President and Board of Directors, AcademyWomen
    Jackie Stennett is the Vice President and Board Member of AcademyWomen, a nonprofit leadership and professional development organization that bridges the gap of support by providing programs and resources that connect military women to networks of substance, impact and influence. As Vice President, Jackie assists in the design strategy and growth of all mission critical programs including a former 5x award-winning online mentoring program, networking events and career development opportunities that cultivate and leverage the leadership of military women to impact positive change locally, nationally and globally. Jackie served as a logistics officer in the United States Army and has a wide array of leadership and management experience within the corporate, government and nonprofit sectors. Currently, in addition to her role with AcademyWomen, Jackie advises organizations with socially responsible missions in designing effective strategies to improve individual and organizational performance. She serves as an Advisory Board Member for the Gender and Policy (GAP) Center at George Mason University's Schar School of Policy and Government; the Service Academies Global Summit (SAGS); and the Civil Service Board for a South Florida city. Jackie holds a BS in Chinese Studies from the United States Military Academy at West Point, and an MBA from Harvard Business School.
    James Bogle (Lieutenant Colonel, US Army Retired)
    DSS Co-ChairDirector, USC Marshall Master of Business for Veterans (MBV)
    James Bogle is the Director of the Master of Business for Veterans (MBV) program, and an Adjunct Professor of Management and Organization with the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California (USC). James joined the Marshall School in 2013 with a background in leadership, public policy and international affairs following 25 years of military service in the U.S. Army. While serving as an Army officer, James commanded two artillery units and led troops in combat in Iraq. Later, he served on the staff of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in the Office of European and NATO Policy. James also served at the U.S. Embassy in Paris, coordinating a range of conventional and special military operations with the French Joint Staff. He concluded his military career as an instructor at the U.S. Air Force Academy. James holds a BA in History from Arizona State University, an MA in International Relations from USC Dornsife, and a Master of Business for Veterans (MBV) from the USC Marshall School of Business.
    Suzy Streeter (Colonel, US Air Force Retired)
    HostBoard of Directors, AcademyWomen
    Suzy Streeter is a retired U.S. Air Force Colonel and a Founding Member of the AcademyWomen Board of Directors. Over her 28 years in the Air Force, Colonel Streeter was a Group Commander, Major Command and Numbered Air Force Director of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance; an Intelligence Plans and Exercises Division Chief at a sub-unified command; a Squadron Director of Operations; a Squadron Commander; as well as an Air Staff Program Element Monitor and Legislative Affairs Liaison. Colonel Streeter's deployments include Operation DECISIVE ENDEAVOR and Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. Prior to retiring from the Air Force, she was instrumental in standing-up the US Space Force Intelligence, Reconnaissance, and Surveillance function. Colonel Streeter is a 1992 graduate of the United States Air Force Academy and is currently pursuing an MA in Pastoral Ministry.
    01:15 PM

    Introductory Remarks: Status Report on the Progress of Women Leaders

    01:15 PM - 01:30 PM
      Carol Folt, PhD
      Introductory RemarksPresident, University of Southern California (USC)
      Dr. Carol Folt serves as the twelfth president of the University of Southern California and holds the Robert C. Packard President’s Chair. Known for always placing students at the center, she is a collaborative academic leader and an internationally recognized life scientist with faculty appointments in biological sciences, civil and environmental engineering, and population and public health sciences. Since joining USC in 2019, Dr. Folt has advanced academic excellence and innovation; increased accessibility and affordability; elevated belonging and inclusion; driven significant growth in the USC Health System; made meaningful advancements in sustainability; prioritized shared governance; enhanced USC’s winning legacy in athletics with honor and integrity; increased cross-school collaboration; built a new Capital Campus in the heart of Washington D.C., expanding USC’s role within the national conversation; amplified USC’s research enterprise; and established USC’s most comprehensive academic and research initiative, embedding ethics, analytics, and artificial intelligence across the university’s scholarly and creative work. Dr. Folt currently serves as chair of the Association of American Universities (AAU) Board of Directors. Prior to USC, Dr. Folt served as chancellor of UNC-Chapel Hill and held several leadership appointments at Dartmouth College, including interim president, provost, dean of faculty, and Dartmouth Professor of Biological Sciences. Dr. Folt is a distinguished scientist whose pioneering research on the effects of dietary mercury and arsenic on human and ecosystem health led to numerous national and global policy changes and consumption advisories. Dr. Folt earned her bachelor’s degree in aquatic biology and a master’s degree in biology from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and her doctorate in ecology from the University of California, Davis.
      01:30 PM

      Keynote Address: Lift as We Climb to Shatter the Glass Ceiling

      01:30 PM - 01:50 PM
        Melissa "M'lis" Ward (US Air Force Veteran)
        Keynote SpeakerCaptain, United Airlines
        Melissa "M'Lis" Ward made history as the first African American US Air Force flight instructor and first female captain in commercial passenger aviation. M'lis credits her mother, Anne B. Ward, with teaching her self-confidence by example. The elder Ward was one of the first two Black women to graduate from the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Medicine and practiced as an obstetrician-gynecologist in the city for many years. “She started medical school when I was 6, and she was also washing the clothes and making dinner,” M'lis said. “It’s one thing to be a woman doctor in those times; it’s another thing to do it after you’ve already been married with three kids. It’s inspirational.” M'lis was brought up in the South Side of Chicago and attended Whitney Young High School. She was awarded an Air Force ROTC scholarship to college, earning a BS from the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California (USC). M'lis was a standout player during her years at Whitney Young High School and she made the USC basketball team as a walk-on, eventually excelling as a reserve forward for the Trojans’ legendary women’s team that won back-to-back national championships in 1983 and 1984. After graduating from USC, M'lis trained to become a pilot at Reese Air Force Base in Lubbock, Texas. In addition to being the only female graduate in her class, she became the first Black woman to receive a fighter pilot rating. However, because women were banned at the time from flying fighter jets and bombers, Ward instead trained male students to operate the two-seater, 5,000-pound T-37 jets. She joined the US Air Force, where she was an instructor-pilot on the T-37 and a First Pilot on the C141. “I was rated to fly fighters, but at the time women weren’t allowed to,” M'lis said. “That came along six years after I graduated from pilot training.”In November 1992 she joined United Airlines in Chicago, as a second officer on DC-10s. After nine months she became first officer on Boeing 737-200s flying out of San Francisco, moving to 727s flying out of Denver in June 1995. M'lis upgraded to Captain on the Boeing 737-300 in 1998 and then the Airbus 319 & 320 in 2010. She is the first African American female to be an Evaluator and FAA Designee for United Airlines where 7% of all commercial pilots are women and fewer than 1% of the airline’s pilots are Black women.
        01:50 PM


        01:50 PM - 02:00 PM
        02:00 PM

        Workshop: The Cycles, Characters, Cultures and Intersections of Tall Poppy Syndrome and Workplace Bullying

        02:00 PM - 02:50 PM
          Dorothy Suskind, PhD
          Workshop PresenterEducation Director and Board of Directors, National Workplace Bullying Coalition
          Dr. Dorothy Suskind is the Education Director and a member of the Executive Board of the National Workplace Bullying Coalition – a national nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating bullying from the American workplace through research, education, conversation, and legislation. In her research on Workplace Bullying, Dr. Suskind collected the stories of over 200 individuals across 35 states, 10 countries, and 36 industries ranging in age from 18-65. Her follow-up research study is currently being conducted and focuses on how bullying impacts an individual's sense of belonging to their work community and themselves. Dr. Suskind is also a writer and an Assistant Professor in the Education and Counseling Department at Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia. At Longwood, she directs the Southside Virginia Writing Project, part of the National Writing Project and teaches a variety of classes in literacy and a capstone course entitled Women as Disruptive Change Agents in Their Community. Prior to Longwood, Dr. Suskind served as a Middle School Principal, Action Research Coach for The Center for the Study of Boys, Assistant Professor at the University of Mary Washington, and taught multiple grades across the K-12 spectrum in both public and independent schools. In addition to her current roles, she leads writing workshops in women’s prisons, transition programs, and one-on-one writing partnerships on Death Row. Dr. Suskind holds a B.A. and M.Ed. from the Virginia Commonwealth University, and a Ph.D. from the University of Virginia.
          02:50 PM


          02:50 PM - 03:00 PM
          03:00 PM

          Responding Panel Discussion: Women as Allies - Nurturing the Tallest Poppies

          03:00 PM - 04:30 PM
            Alicia Yancy, PhD (US Air Force Veteran)
            Panel ModeratorDistinguished Professorship in Accounting, Loyola University
            Dr. Alicia A. Yancy holds a Distinguished Professorship in Accounting at Loyola University, and is the first Black woman to earn a PhD in accounting from the University of Southern California (USC) Leventhal School of Accounting. While working on her PhD, Dr. Yancy remembers first feeling the weight of this endeavor at an American Accounting Association’s (AAA’s) annual convention where she caught the eye of Dr. Quiester Craig, an esteemed professor and dean of the College of Business and Economics at North Carolina A&T State University. He didn’t know her, but she knew him: a legend in the field, a highly respected academic leader, and a Black man in a mostly white profession. He looked at her and said: “You keep going. We’re counting on you.” She then realized that earning a Ph.D. in accounting was much more than simply achieving her personal and career goals. “It was understood that I would be setting an example for others.” Dr. Yancy grew up in New Orleans and attended Catholic school in her early years, where she excelled academically. She later transferred to an elite private school with the help of her grandmother, who worked as a maid for a woman on the school’s board of directors. But while the private school was academically excellent, she was the only Black girl there. “It was a socially miserable time. I didn't even realize the taunts [directed at me] were racist.” She later transferred to a public high school, but the level of academic rigor declined. She grew bored and was able to dual-enroll in college courses at the HBCU - Dillard University. She excelled in her college classes, but her high school grades continued to suffer. When she was told she would not be graduating with her class, she dropped out and joined the Air Force Reserve. In boot camp - realizing her talent - her First Sergeant helped her sign up to complete the high school equivalent credential (GED), which propelled her quest to eventually earn a BBA in Accounting from the University of Houston, an MBA from Rice University, and a PhD in Accounting from the University of Southern California. Dr. Yancy holds an active Colorado CPA license. Her research interests include performance measurement, the Balanced Scorecard, and Accounting Education. Today she works to inspire others. Including one of her best memories when she returned to USC Leventhal in 2017 - several years after earning her PhD - to present her daughter with a master’s degree in accounting.
            iAsia Brown, MBV (US Marine Corps Veteran)
            Panel MemberSenior Producer, Xbox
            iAsia Brown is a Senior Producer at Xbox. Celebrated as "Tech Picasso," iAsia is a combat veteran, visionary artist and storyteller bridging the worlds of gaming, film, and art. With a deep-seated commitment to authenticity and empowerment, she stands as a beacon for diverse voices in the industry and beyond. iAsia earned her Master of Business for Veterans (MBV) from the University of Southern California (USC) Marshall School of Business and is currently a doctoral student in Organizational Change and Leadership at USC Rossier School of Education. Beyond her art and academia, iAsia serves on the Board of Directors for Woman in Tech Hollywood (WiTH), Creating Coding Careers, and the Black Alumni Association at USC, further epitomizing her dedication to community, education, and advancement.
            Sharoni Little, PhD, EdD
            Panel MemberCEO, The Strategist Company
            Dr. Sharoni Little is a Global DEI Strategist, Professor Emeritus at the University of Southern California (USC) and is the CEO of The Strategist Company, LLC - a boutique consulting firm specializing in: inclusion, diversity, equity, belonging, antiracism, bias mitigation, executive leadership, social justice, inclusive communication, and global strategy. An author and renowned scholar, Dr. Little helps organizations and communities devise holistic, evidence-based strategies and solutions. Formerly, the inaugural Head of Global Inclusion at Creative Artists Agency (CAA), Dr. Little led the company's global strategic diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility efforts to achieve and sustain the organization's mission and vision, as well as to transform media and entertainment industries. Prior to joining CAA, Dr. Little served as the Vice Dean and Senior Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer and Professor, Business Communication at the University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business - where Dr. Little educated students and executives, and led the school's holistic DEI strategy. Dr. Little, a global thought-leader, researcher, author, and community leader advises and partners with numerous organizations, executives, educators, and community leaders, both domestically and internationally. Dr. Little earned her Ph.D. from Indiana University in Rhetoric, Cultural Studies, and Law, an Ed.D. from the University of Southern California, and her Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees in Organizational Communication from Cal State Los Angeles. Dr. Little has received several leadership, mentoring, teaching, and research awards, and is completing her forthcoming books, 'The Perpetual Surveillance of Black Men', and 'Diapers and Dissertations: Women, Education, and Work'. She has been featured in various media outlets, including her TEDx talks, Storytime: Confronting and Disrupting Marginalizing Narratives and The Gift of Corrective Lenses, as well as ABC, NBC, Fox News, and PBS. Dr. Little is an educational and social advocate who currently partners with the Aspen Institute, The Obama Foundation, Children and Nature Network, Cal State LA CPGE Program teaching incarcerated students, serves on various boards, and is the Vice-Chair and Community College Board Trustee. While she values her role as a strategist, advocate, and scholar, Dr. Little’s most cherished blessing is being the proud mother of twin sons.
            Gary Namie, PhD
            Panel MemberSocial Psychologist and Co-Founder, Workplace Bullying Institute
            Dr. Gary Namie is a social psychologist, widely regarded as North America's foremost authority on Workplace Bullying. He has extensive experience teaching in graduate management and psychology departments at Scripps College, University of California Santa Barbara, University of Southern California, University of San Francisco and others. In 1997, in response to Dr. Ruth Namie’s bullying experience, the couple imported Workplace Bullying to the U.S. from England. What started as a toll-free line - where he and Dr. Ruth Namie heard painful stories from over 12,000 bullied workers in all industries - soon grew to become the Workplace Bullying Institute (WBI) known today. Together, they authored the books: 'The Bully-Free Workplace' (Wiley, 2011), 'The Bully At Work' 2nd ed. (Sourcebooks, 2009) and also contributed to 'Workplace Bullying and Mobbing in the U.S.' (Praeger, 2018). Under his leadership, WBI commissioned Zogby analytics to conduct the frequently cited scientific national Workplace Bullying prevalence surveys from 2007-present, with the most recent survey published in 2021. WBI currently directs a national campaign to enact state-wide workplace anti-bullying legislation – introduced in 31 states to date. International, national and local media regard Dr. Namie as a global authority and go-to-expert on the topic of workplace bullying - with nearly 1,200 media interviews conducted during his career. He is credited with originating workplace bullying consulting in the United States, serves as an expert witness in state and federal courts, and counts government agencies, corporations, nonprofit organizations, and unions as his clients.
            Sumun "Sumi" Pendakur, EdD
            Panel MemberCEO, Sumun Pendakur Consulting
            Dr. Sumun L. Pendakur (Sumi) believes that we have infinite capability to imagine and enact a more just, equitable, and compassionate world. Sumi is a nationally sought-after keynote speaker, consultant and trainer for over 250 campuses, corporations, and associations thus far, and DEI thought partner to senior leaders in multiple sectors. Sumi has held roles as the Chief Learning Officer at the USC Race and Equity Center, dedicated to advancing scalable racial justice in multiple sectors; as the Assistant Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion at Harvey Mudd College, serving on the President’s Cabinet and directing the Office of Institutional Diversity; and as the Director for USC Asian Pacific American Student Services. Sumi is the multilingual daughter of immigrants, was raised in the Midwest, and now calls Los Angeles, CA, home. She is the wife of actor Sunil Malhotra, and proud mommy to Shashi Veer and Shama Shakti. In 2019, Sumi was named one of the top 35 women in higher education by 'Diverse: Issues in Higher Education' magazine.
            Angela Scott, MBV (US Navy Veteran)
            Panel MemberSenior Personalization & Content Manager, Demonware (Activision Blizzard)
            Angela D. Scott is a proud mother of three and United States Navy Veteran, who served as a Religious Program Specialist during Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm. In her role at Demonware Studios for Activision Blizzard, she is a Senior Personalization & Content Manager. Angela oversees and manages A/B testing, personalization process, content updates, localization for in-game, web-based and mobile applications. She coordinates with business stakeholders to identify priorities based on available resources and negotiates tradeoffs as needed. With the experimentation vertical, Angela ensures the execution of personalization strategies are streamlined and fully managed, including scheduling deployment, review, QA and reporting of test findings. As a Diversity Champion at Activision Blizzard King, Angela is a Global Community and Social Impact Lead for several Activision Blizzard King’s Employee Network Groups, where she’s developed mentorship programs for middle school through college students in under-resourced, marginalized and BIPOC communities – leveraging gaming as the gateway to bring awareness to employment opportunities in the gaming technology industry. She’s also created initiatives to increase the number of college interns from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), as well as students from Indigenous, Latinx and LGBTQ+ communities. Angela is an accomplished writer, editor and speaker who frequently serves on career panels as a subject matter expert and guest speaker. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Honors English from California State University Northridge, an Associate Arts degree in Public Policy from Santa Monica College, and a Master of Business degree for Veterans from the University of Southern California (USC MBV). As a double USC Trojan, she is currently pursuing a doctorate in Organizational Change and Leadership at USC. Ms. Scott is also a community activist dedicated to creating impactful change, and currently serves in multiple leadership roles on the local and state levels. In addition to serving as serving as a Public Safety Reform & Oversight Commissioner for the City of Santa Monica (CA), she is a Democratic State Central Committee Delegate for Assembly District 51, an Executive Board Member for the California Democratic Party (CDP) Veterans Caucus, and a Regional Vice Chair of the California Democratic Party Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Standing Committee.
            04:30 PM


            04:30 PM - 04:40 PM
            04:40 PM

            Workshop: Radical Respect - How to Work Together Better

            04:40 PM - 05:25 PM
              Kim Scott
              Workshop PresenterAuthor, Radical Candor and Radical Respect
              Kim Scott is the author of 'Radical Respect: How to Work Together Better' and 'Radical Candor: Be a Kickass Boss Without Losing your Humanity'. She co-founded a company that helps leaders put the ideas in her books into practice. Kim was a CEO coach at Dropbox, Qualtrics, Twitter, and other tech companies. She was a member of the faculty at Apple University and before that led AdSense, YouTube, and DoubleClick teams at Google. Earlier in her career she was an analyst at the Soviet Companies Fund, started a diamond cutting factory in Moscow, and was director of operations of a pediatric clinic in Kosovo. She lives with her family in Silicon Valley.
              05:25 PM

              Closing Remarks

              05:25 PM - 05:30 PM
                James Bogle (Lieutenant Colonel, US Army Retired)
                DSS Co-ChairDirector, USC Marshall Master of Business for Veterans (MBV)
                James Bogle is the Director of the Master of Business for Veterans (MBV) program, and an Adjunct Professor of Management and Organization with the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California (USC). James joined the Marshall School in 2013 with a background in leadership, public policy and international affairs following 25 years of military service in the U.S. Army. While serving as an Army officer, James commanded two artillery units and led troops in combat in Iraq. Later, he served on the staff of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in the Office of European and NATO Policy. James also served at the U.S. Embassy in Paris, coordinating a range of conventional and special military operations with the French Joint Staff. He concluded his military career as an instructor at the U.S. Air Force Academy. James holds a BA in History from Arizona State University, an MA in International Relations from USC Dornsife, and a Master of Business for Veterans (MBV) from the USC Marshall School of Business.
                Tonisha Jester
                DSS Co-ChairProgram Director, USC Marshall Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
                Tonisha Jester is the Program Director at the University of Southern California (USC) Marshall School of Business Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion where she is a catalyst for change and passionate about infusing values around diversity, inclusion, climate and equity into all programs and activities. Tonisha has over 20 years of experience in higher education, program planning and implementation, project, and budget management; the breadth of her experience is comprehensive. Tonisha’s educational background is in Sociology with an emphasis in the sociology of education and communities and urban sociology; also includes organizational leadership, project management and enrollment management and policy. Tonisha’s personal mantra - “Lift as I Climb” - is her guiding life principle. She believes we all achieve much more when we collaborate, share resources, and support others to be the best they can be.
                Suzy Streeter (Colonel, US Air Force Retired)
                HostBoard of Directors, AcademyWomen
                Suzy Streeter is a retired U.S. Air Force Colonel and a Founding Member of the AcademyWomen Board of Directors. Over her 28 years in the Air Force, Colonel Streeter was a Group Commander, Major Command and Numbered Air Force Director of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance; an Intelligence Plans and Exercises Division Chief at a sub-unified command; a Squadron Director of Operations; a Squadron Commander; as well as an Air Staff Program Element Monitor and Legislative Affairs Liaison. Colonel Streeter's deployments include Operation DECISIVE ENDEAVOR and Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. Prior to retiring from the Air Force, she was instrumental in standing-up the US Space Force Intelligence, Reconnaissance, and Surveillance function. Colonel Streeter is a 1992 graduate of the United States Air Force Academy and is currently pursuing an MA in Pastoral Ministry.
                05:30 PM

                Evening Reception (Onsite Only)

                05:30 PM - 06:30 PMVineyard Room Patio

                Hotel Accommodations



                A discounted group rate of $189 plus tax and fees will be offered at the USC Hotel as a courtesy to DSS participants until 18 OCT 2023 on a space available basis.  To receive this rate, you must contact the hotel directly by sending a request to their in-house reservations team by emailing: hotelreservations@usc.edu with the subject line“Academy Women/USC Marshall MBV - Distinguished Speaker Series”.

                It is important that you follow these instructions, as the hotel's website, central reservations and/or Front Office agents may refuse any requests not initiated using the process above.

                This group rate will be offered based on availability for the nights of  NOV 1st and 2nd ONLY (all other nights are subject to rate and space availability) and will be honored until Wednesday 18 OCT.


                About the USC Hotel

                Owned and operated by the University of Southern California and located at 3540 S. Figueroa Street - the USC Hotel is conveniently located adjacent to the USC campus and is walking distance to the DSS venue.  The hotel is next door to the Galen Center, a three-minute walk to the LA Memorial Coliseum and Exposition Park, and within two miles of downtown LA venues such as the STAPLES Center, LA Live, and the LA Convention Center.

                Visit the USC Hotel website to learn more, but be sure to book your stay using the protocol above to receive the DSS special rate: https://uschotel.usc.edu


                Additional Area Hotels

                Group rates and discounts have NOT been arranged with the hotels listed below.  They are provided for your convenience and are all within 5 miles of the DSS venue.  Contact each hotel directly for rates and more details. 


                Freehand Hotel

                3.4 miles from campus

                416 W. 8th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90014

                Phone: 213-612-0021


                Intercontinental Los Angeles Downtown

                2.5 miles from campus

                900 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90017

                Phone: 213-688-7777


                JW Marriott at LA LIVE

                2.4 miles from campus

                900 West Olympic Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90015

                Phone: 213-765-8600


                Millennium Biltmore Hotel

                3.2 miles from campus

                506 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90071

                Phone: 213-624-1011


                Residence Inn at LA LIVE

                4 miles from campus

                901 West Olympic Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90015

                Phone: 213-443-9200

                PTDY and PTAD

                If you wish to attend the event using PTDY/PTAD, approval rests with your leadership.  Attending the DSS will enhance your professional development, leadership growth and ultimately increase the value-added to your service!

                These references may help:

                • Air Force: AFI 36-3003, Military Leave Program, 24 Aug 2020, Table 3.6 Rule 6
                • Army: AR 600-8-10, Leaves and Passes, 3 Jun 2020, para 5-2 and 5-3
                • Navy: MILPERSMAN 1050-270, Administrative Absences, 10 May 17, para 3(a)
                • Marines: MCO 1050.3J, Regulations for Leave, Liberty, and Administrative Absence, 19 May 09, Chapter 5, para 1(c)
                • Coast Guard: COMDTINST M1000.8A Military Assignments and Authorized Absences, 22 Jun 18, Para 2.A.10.b. (1)

                Campus Map and Event Parking

                Event Parking

                The parking garage closest to the venue is the Royal Street Parking Structure (use the Jefferson Boulevard entrance).  For guests staying at the USC Hotel, it is best to park in PS2 (Figueroa Street Parking Structure) which is the parking garage closest to the hotel. Hotel guests can then walk to the event location. 

                You will be able to purchase short-term or all-day parking with your credit card using either Text2Park (T2P) on your mobile device or by entering your vehicle's liscense plate in a nearby Pay-By-Plate (PBP) station. 

                Parking rates vary and begin at $4 per hour for the Royal Street and Figueroa parking structures.  Visit the USC Transportation webpage for more detailed rates and information: https://transnet.usc.edu/index.php/daily-and-hourly-parking/