Women Getting Ready to Run for Office

Friday, Aug 4, 2023 at 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM EDT

New England Institute of Technology Room S330, 1 New England Tech Boulevard, East Greenwich, RI, 02818, United States

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Sale ends on 08/04/2023

Women's Fund of Rhode Island is offering this program free of charge, but that doesn't mean there are no costs attached to it. Help us defray food, space, and speaker costs by making a donation today!

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Friday, Aug 4, 2023 at 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM EDT

New England Institute of Technology Room S330, 1 New England Tech Boulevard, East Greenwich, RI, 02818, United States.

Research shows that women need to be asked to run for office more frequently than men before they really picture themselves as a candidate. There are a slew of intersectional barriers that make running for office seem out of reach for women.

Join WFRI for a free bootcamp to help you see that whatever your life experiences are, if you desire to make a difference and shape government policies, you likely have what it takes to serve. This daylong program will help you understand how to get your "house in order" to plan a run for office, how to craft your campaign pitch, and learn about other resources to support your campaign. Even if you choose not to run, you may find an interest in supporting other women who do as a campaign manager or volunteer. 

This is a live, in-person event. A continental breakfast and light lunch will be served.


Women's Fund of Rhode Island


Women's Fund of Rhode Island invests in women and girls through research, advocacy, grant making, and strategic partnerships designed to achieve gender equity through systemic change. We believe women need to be at the tables where decisions are made and resources are allocated.

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